OGC Implementation Database

O2MAP WEB Product Details

Version: 3.0
Type: Server
Implemented: 2013-02-04
URL: Product Website
Platform(s): Any OS
Contact: Jeong, JangYoon - Geotwo Co., Ltd
Implemented Specifications / Interfaces / Alternatives OGC Compliance Status
Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Specification 3.1.1Implementing
 GML 3.1.1 simple features profile 1.0.0Implementing
Implementation Specification for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 2: SQL option 1.1Implementing
Styled Layer Descriptor Profile of the Web Map Service Implementation Specification 1.1.0Implementing
Web Coverage Service (WCS) Implementation Specification (Corrigendum) 1.0.0 Compliant 2013-02-05
Web Feature Service (WFS) Implementation Specification 1.1.0 Compliant 2013-02-05
 Web Feature Service (WFS) Implementation Specification (Basic) 1.1.0 Compliant 2013-02-05
 Web Feature Service (WFS) Implementation Specification (Transactional) 1.1.0 Compliant 2017-01-10
 Web Feature Service (WFS) Implementation Specification with XLinks 1.1.0 Compliant 2017-01-10
Web Map Service (WMS) Implementation Specification 1.3.0 Compliant 2013-02-05
Geotwo Co., Ltd.
Certified OGC Compliant Logo


Valid Until: 2025-02-01
(compliance badge link)