Wed, Jun 19th 3:30pm (MONT-ROYAL II)
  EDM DWG g2m
The mission of the Emergency and Disaster Management (EDM) DWG is to improve efficiency and effectiveness of users in all phases of emergency and disaster activities communities through changes and extensions to OGC Standards, which result in interoperable geospatial products and other information consumables that can be shared across these communities.
Project: Emergency and Disaster Management DWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: Don Sullivan
Facilitator: Rachel Opitz
Session Agenda Items
  1. Speaker: 
    Antonio Correas (Skymatics)
    Three ongoing challenges in Canada’s management of forested lands: severe wildfire seasons, uncompetitive forestry industry, and First Nations reconciliation, and how geospatial solutions can help address them. (20 min)
  2. Speaker: 
    Frank Fang (GIS research Center, Feng Chia University)
    A presentation about Early Warning Disaster Management System (20 min)
  3. Speaker: 
    Samuel Hsiao-Yuan Yin (Agriculture and Rural Development Soil and Water Conservation (ARDSWC))
    Early Warning Mechanism for Evacuation in Taiwan: A Case Study of Landslide and Debris Flow Disasters. (20 min)