Wed, Mar 27th 1:30pm (Commission room 2)
  Coverages.SWG g2m
This session addresses aspects of coverages, in particular: regular and irregular grids aka datacubes. New standardization activities and motions raised will be addressed. - In the first 45min coverage data specs (Abstract Topic 6 and Coverage Implementation Schema, CIS) as well as service specs (such as WCS, WCPS) will be in focus. - In the remaining 45min, GeoDataCube, and OAPI-Coverages will be in focus.
Project: Coverages SWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: Peter Baumann
Facilitator: Harsha Vardhan Madiraju
Session Agenda Items
  1. Speaker: 
    Peter Baumann (Constructor University)
    The ISO 19123-x coverage suite: status and plans (15 min)
  2. Speaker: 
    Peter Baumann (Constructor University)
    Analysis-Ready Coverages: Insights from OGC Testbed-19 (30 min)
  3. Speaker: 
    Jerome St-Louis (Ecere)
    OGC API - Coverages: Update, Results of Virtual Code Sprint, SWG Motion to send to OAB for RFC? (45 min)