Tue, Mar 26th 5:30pm (Commission room 3)
  Temporal DWG g2m
The goal of the OGC Temporal DWG is to clarify the role of time as a first-class alignment concept next to space, and to strive for a handling of time which is coherent and integrated with that of space. As the issue of time in CRSs is an overarching one across all OGC, the WG will seek to include background from as many OGC stakeholder groups and WGs as possible.
Project: Temporal DWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: Chris Little
Facilitator: Micah Brachman
Request Approval vote for Abstract Conceptual Model for Time.
Overview of Temporal activities outside of OGC
Liaison with ISO TC211, ISOTC154, IETF, W3C, WMO, etc.
Discuss and agree future work:
Best Practices
Naming authority, registrations of Temporal CRSs & Calendars
Any implementation standards required (and a SWG)
Any Other Business

Session Agenda Items
  1. Speaker: 
    Chris Little (UK Met Office)
    TBD (25 min)