Tue, Mar 26th 1:30pm (Commission room 2)
  CityGML g2m
CityGML 3 Outreach and Support – 20 minutes Datasets Tools Issues (GitHub +) New directions: – 45 minutes “CityGML 3 in CHEK/ACCORD” – Francesca Noardo “CityJSON implementation of CityGML 3” – Hugo Ledoux. “CityGML 3 OWL representation” - Alejandro Villar Fernandez “OGC Semantic Core glTF Extension” – Steve Smyth General Discussion on the Way Forward – SWG – 20 minutes
Project: CityGML SWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: Carl Stephen Smyth
CityGML 3 Outreach and Support - Datasets, Tools, Issues
New Directions - Presentations and Discussion

Session Agenda Items
  1. Speaker: 
    Francesca Noardo (OGC)
    CityGML3 in CHEK/ACCORD (15 min)
  2. Speaker: 
    Hugo Ledoux (TU Delft)
    CityJSON Implementation of CityGML 3 (15 min)
  3. Speaker: 
    Alejandro Villar Fernandez, Rob Atkinson (OGC)
    CityGML 3 OWL Representation (15 min)
  4. Speaker: 
    Steve Smyth (OpenSitePlan)
    Semantic Core glTF Extension (10 min)