Tue, Mar 26th 11:00am (Senaatszaal)
  OGC Europe Forum 2024 g2m
The 2024 topic for the OGC Europe Forum is European Data Spaces Strategy: Opportunities for OGC Members. This event, organized by OGC, is supported by IDSA, ISO/TC21, and JRC, and speakers from these organizations will be present. We welcome all participants from relevant organizations working on data spaces to join the open panel discussions.
Project: Europe Forum
Reserved By: Scott Simmons
Facilitator: Harsha Vardhan Madiraju
The event is organized with a focus on European Data Spaces Strategy: Opportunities for OGC Members. With a growing interest and investment in creating Data Spaces in Europe across numerous themes, integrating geospatial capabilities and increasing geospatial usage across these areas remains the key. The aim of this workshop under the banner of the OGC Europe Forum is to discuss current European developments around Data Spaces and the role of OGC and its partners. The session will look into OGC standards that could be used and the new standards to be considered or developed. Also, the session will look into how OGC and its members actively participate and their interactions with various communities in these data spaces.

Discussion Points at the session:

- What critical aspects can OGC Members, partners, and the Community work and contribute?
- What are the existing standards, and what is the scope for new standards?
- What are the actionable items and plans to integrate geospatial capabilities into the data spaces?
- How do we bring synergies between the OGC member-led working groups and Data Spaces Working groups?
- How are OGC and its Members contributing, and how can they contribute to these aspects?
- What are opportunities available to OGC Members from a commercial point of view?
- What are the expectations from OGC Members and Partners to facilitate the efforts?

Session Agenda Items
  1. Speaker: 
    OGC Europe Forum Chairs
    Welcome Remarks (5 min)
  2. Speaker: 
    Jordi Escriu Paradell (Joint Research Centre, European Commission)
    Next-generation data sharing: from SDIs to European Data spaces (5 min)
  3. Speaker: 
    Piotr Zaborowski (Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC))
    DataSpaces experiences and the way forward (5 min)
  4. Speaker: 
    Jari Reini (National Land Survey of Finland, and ISO/TC211–AHG10)
    ISO Input to EU Data Spaces (5 min)
  5. Speaker: 
    Silvia Castellvi (International Data Spaces Association (IDSA))
    IDSA and OGC: Pioneering Geospatial Integration in European Data Spaces (5 min)
  6. Speaker: 
    OGC Europe Forum Chairs as Moderators and All Participants as Contributors to the Panel
    Open Panel Discussion (45 min)
  7. Speaker: 
    OGC Europe Forum Chairs
    Election of New Chairs for OGC Europe Forum and Next set of activities (15 min)
  8. Speaker: 
    OGC Europe Forum Chairs New Chairs
    Closing Remarks & Thanks to past Chairs (5 min)