Mon, Sep 25th 3:30pm (Arena Room 1 (Level 4))
  Temporal DWG g2m
The Temporal Domain WG provides a forum for issues conerning time in OGC and wider work. The group is trying to progress a Temporal Abstract Conceptual model to underpin OGC, ISO, and W3C standards to enable time be used as a first class concept such as a coordinate, rather than a secondary attribute.
Project: Temporal DWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: Chris Little
Facilitator: Micah Brachman
Welcome, Introduction, Technology struggles, Chris Little (5 min)
Proposed Abstract Conceptual Model for Time, Chris Little, Chuck Heazel (20 min)
Ready to OAB Review for Public Release for Comment?
Further work
Do we need any Logical or Implementation Specifications? Discussion (10 min)
Is there any Best Practice to document? Discussion (10 min)
How to progress Discussion Paper, Chuck Heazel (10 min)
Any Other Business? (5 min)

Session Agenda Items
  1. Speaker: 
    Chris Little (UK Met Office)
    Welcome, Introduction, Technology struggles (5 min)
  2. Speaker: 
    Chuck Heazel (Chuck Heazel)
    Proposed Abstract Conceptual Model for Time (20 min)

Pending Document(s) for Consideration:
23-049 - Topic 25 - Temporal Abstract Specification