Tue, Sep 26th 11:10am (Event Hall (1-1))
  Health DWG g2m
Health DWG session will focus on GeoAI solutions addressing global issues in tracking the spread of disease and the factors underlying disease prevalence and spread.
Project: Health DWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: Ajay Gupta
Facilitator: Sina Taghavikish
The FMSDI Pilot (10-15 minutes)

Pilot participants will present what they are doing in this pilot, especially with respect to health risk analytics. We will discuss how health issues and data standardization within healthcare can be further incorporated into the FMSDI pilots going forward.

Climate Monitoring and Decision Support Framework for Sand Fly-borne Diseases Detection and Mitigation, Nils Hempelmann

A discussion on addressing the risk of vector-borne disease through GIS.

CDRP24 Pilot (15 minutes)

This will be a discussion with CDRP sponsors on health-related ideas to include in this and future pilots.

OGC-GEO Collaboration (15 minutes)

I've asked Juli Tranj of the GEO Health Community of Practice to speak about how GEO & OGC can better. If she cannot speak, I'll ask Andreas, my co-chair at the GEO Health Community of Practice Healthcare Infrastructure small work group.

Health & Insurance (20 minutes)

This topic is to discuss OGC's outreach to the Insurance Industry overall, and specifically within health.

We're thinking about an approach to the industry through predictive models to impact their actuarial tables. For instance, we build models predicting the impact on future health posture by area (e.g., ZIP Code, Census tract) due to social factors, population demographics, environmental considerations, climate change, and other factors.

These models can inform the actuarial tables against which Insurers build their insurance pools, plans, and premium structure. The discussion can focus on the models, model complexity, as well as whether this may represent a better approach to the insurance sector.

Session Agenda Items
  1. Speaker: 
    Paul A Churchyard (HSR.health)
    FMSDI Pilot (15 min)
  2. Speaker: 
    Ajay Gupta (OGC Health DWG)
    DP & Climate Change Pilots (15 min)
  3. Speaker: 
    Andreas Skouloudis (GEO Health Community of Practice, Healthcare Infrastructure Small Work Group)
    Chair (15 min)
  4. Speaker: 
    OGC Health DWG (OGC)
    Health & Insurance (20 min)
  5. Speaker: 
    Nils Hempelmann (OGC)
    Climate Monitoring and Decision Support Framework for Sand Fly-borne Diseases Detection and Mitigation. (15 min)