Tue, Sep 26th 1:30pm (Arena Room 1 (Level 4))
  University DWG g2m
The University DWG coordinates the common interests of OGC academic and research members. The DWG is a neutral academic advisory group providing a range of technology, policy, standards and other recommendations to all programs of the OGC.
Project: University DWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: Micah Brachman
Facilitator: Micah Brachman
Session Agenda Items
  1. Speaker: 
    Danny Vandenbroucke (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Spatial Applications Division)
    Body of Knowledge for EO*GI (25 min)
  2. Speaker: 
    Micah Brachman (OGC)
    Proposal for a University Student Geospatial Lightning Talk competition (15 min)
  3. Speaker: 
    Nils Hempelmann (OGC)
    Hands on with the OGC Academy (25 min)