Thu, Sep 28th 8:30am (Training Room 1-2)
  MetOcean DWG g2m
The Meteorology & Oceanography Domain WG is a forum to raise issues of concern from the global communities and to sponsor new or improved standards to address those concerns. Recent work has focussed on the OGC API-Environmental Data Retrieval (EDR) standard and consistency across all the APIs
Project: Meteorology & Oceanography DWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: Steve Olson
Facilitator: Micah Brachman
Session Agenda Items
  1. Speaker: 
    Chris Little and Steve Olson (UK Met Office and NWS)
    Welcome and Introductions (5 min)
  2. Speaker: 
    Chris Little (UK Met Office)
    Project Updates - OGC API-EDR (5 min)
  3. Speaker: 
    Chris Little (UK Met Office)
    Project Updates - CoverageJSON (5 min)
  4. Speaker: 
    Shane Mill (NWS)
    Demonstrations - Pub/Sub and EDR API Product Definition (15 min)
  5. Speaker: 
    Tom Kralidis (MSC)
    Demonstrations - WIS2 Update and Demo (15 min)
  6. Speaker: 
    Mikko Visa (FMI)
    Presentations -Development status of OGC API EDR at FMI (15 min)
  7. Speaker: 
    Steve Olson (NOAA)
    Met Ocean Survey Results & Discussion (15 min)
  8. Speaker: 
    Chris Little and Steve Olson (UK Met Office and NWS)
    Future Plans, Motions and AOB (10 min)