Thu, Feb 23rd 8:30am (Forcada)
  Geosemantics DWG, SDWWG, GeoDCAT g2m
This joint session of the Geosemantics DWG and the Spatial Data on the Web Working Group will focus on discussions regarding standardization of GeoDCAT as well as new work on GeoSPARQL and SOSA/SSN.
Project: Geosemantics DWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: Scott Simmons
Facilitator: Scott Simmons
Session Agenda Items
  1. Speaker: 
    Timo Homburg (i3mainz)
    GeoSPARQL 1.2 scope discussion - what should the focus of this new version be? Full 3D support is among the options discussed. (30 min)
  2. Speaker: 
    Byron Cochrane (unaffiliated)
    GeoDCAT SWG formation (10 min)
  3. Speaker: 
    Linda van den Brink (Geonovum)
    Discussion about possible update of SOSA/SSN to align with new Observations, Measurements, and Sampling (OMS) v3.0, with STA and with connected systems API work (30 min)