Thu, Jun 16th 12:00pm ( Castilla )
  Digital Twins coordination session g2m
Objectives: - Do we need an OGC position on Digital Twins? - What can OGC do to help users interested in Digital Twins in adopting OGC standards? Where should they start - Do we need a different level of coordination between relevant OGC WGs?
Project: Urban Digital Twins DWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: Scott Simmons
Facilitator: Piotr Zaborowski
Session Agenda Items
  1. Speaker: 
    Carsten Rönsdorf, Scott Simmons (OS, OGC)
    Partnership with buildingSMART and the IDBE Pilot (15 min)
  2. Speaker: 
    Michael Mulquin (ISO)
    Possible liaison with Planned IEC/TC268/JTC1/ITU WG (15 min)
  3. Speaker: 
    All (All)
    Discussion (30 min)
  4. Speaker: 
    All (All)
    Consolidate and summarize next steps (30 min)