Mon, Jun 13th 2:30pm (Madrid D)
  EO Ex Platform DWG g2m
The Earth Observation Exploitation Platform DWG explores how standards can enable interoperable deployment of user applications on cloud-based platforms hosting Earth Observation data.
Project: Earth Observation Exploitation Platform DWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: Greg Buehler
* Testbed-18: Exploitation platform elements for FAIR reproducible science. Fabrice Brito - Terradue (15 min)
* OGC API and Application Hosting in Cloud Environments: Peter Vretanos (15 min)
* Using OGC Best Practice for algorithm hosting in datacube environments: Stephan Meissl - EOX (15 min)
* Climate Resilience Pilot: Nils Hempelmann – OGC (15 min)
* Discussion point: Exploitation Platform and Datacube technology for Climate Resilience (15 min)

Session Agenda Items
  1. Speaker: 
    Fabrice Brito (Terradue)
    Testbed-18: Exploitation platform elements for FAIR reproducible science (15 min)
  2. Speaker: 
    Peter Vretanos (CubeWerx)
    OGC API and Application Hosting in Cloud Environments (15 min)
  3. Speaker: 
    Stephan Meissl (EOX)
    Using OGC Best Practice for algorithm hosting in datacube environments (15 min)
  4. Speaker: 
    Nils Hempelmann (OGC)
    Climate Resilience Pilot (15 min)