Fri, Dec 3rd 12:30pm (Room A)
  CDB SWG Online Meeting g2m

Regular online meeting of the CDB Standards Working Group;

This meeting will be connected to the December OGC Virtual Members Meeting for which most events are the following week


Action Items from Previous Meeting(s)

Electronic Vote update

Work-in-progress update CDB V1.3 Draft / Change Requests

Work-in-progress update CDB V2/X Core Draft

Feedback from CDB related meetings at the I/ITSEC Conference held on Monday-Thursday just before this meeting

Project: CDB SWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: David Graham

Session Agenda Items
No Agenda Items Set

About this group...
The CDB Standard defines an open format for the storage, access, and modification of a synthetic environment database. A synthetic environment is a computer simulation that represents activities at a high level of realism, from simulation of theaters of war to factories and manufacturing processes.