Thu, Dec 9th 5:30pm (Room B) Observations and measurements SWG OGC Observations and measurements Standards Working Group is working on standardising conceptual and implementation model standards for exchange of observed, measured or modelled data based. The joint OGC - ISO Standard OGC Abstract Specification Topic 20 / ISO 19156 Observations, Measurements and Samples (OMS) defines the common basis for these data models. Project: Observations, Measurements, and Samples SWG (read more...)
Standards-based exchange of observed, measured, or modeled data are key enablers for many critical online consumer and governmental services. The Observations and Measurements Standard defines a conceptual level data model for these datasets.
ISO 19156 and OGC AS Topic 20 revision progress update, including Motion to start TC vote on the OGC AS Topic 20 revision (20-082r3)
OMS JSON implementation standard planning