Thu, Dec 9th 3:30pm (Room A)
  Features and Geometries JSON SWG
Testbed-17 ERs and resolving issues related to the Features and Geometries JSON candidate standard
Project: Features and Geometries JSON SWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: Clemens Portele
Facilitator: Greg Buehler
Session Agenda Items
  1. Speaker: 
    Clemens Portele, all (n/a)
    JSON-FG: Current status and Overview / Questions and Discussion (45 min)
  2. Speaker: 
    Clemens Portele (ii)
    OGC Testbed-17: OGC Features and Geometries JSON Engineering Report (20 min)
  3. Speaker: 
    Panagiotis (Peter) Vretanos (CubeWerx)
    OGC Testbed-17: Features and Geometries JSON CRS Analysis of Alternatives ER (20 min)

Pending Document(s) for Consideration:
21-017 - OGC Testbed-17: OGC Features and Geometries JSON Engineering Report
21-018 - OGC Testbed-17: Features and Geometries JSON CRS Analysis of Alternatives ER (D027)