The Environmental Data Retrieval API SWG is improving the existing published standard as an important building block of the OGC API suite for many kinds of geospatial data.
* Register attendance on portal
* Agree Agenda and IPR Call (5 mins)
* Minutes/Notes of previous meeting (5 mins)
Demos of implementations
* Wuhan University, Boyi Shangguan (5 mins)
* ESRI Facade, Pete Trevelyan (5 mins)
* USGS, Dave Blodgett, Jim Kreft (5 mins)
* NWS, Shane Mill (5 mins)
* Met Office, Mark Burgoyne (5 mins)
* Questions and discussions with implementers (5 mins)
Progress in the last month:
* EDR API Specification:
* Outstanding Issues:
* Outstanding Pull Requests:
* Compliance Test Suite:
* API coordination:
* [API-Maps: BBOX, BBOX-CRS, CRS issue #82](
* [TestBed 17 Engineering Report](
* OGC Naming Authority register [input]( and [human readable output](
* Update other Documentation on GitHub:
Plans for next month:
* Corrections: Version 1.0.x
* PR for correcting CRS84 URI
* PR to remove spurious /groups endpoint
* Outreach:
* OGC, OSGeo, and Apache Software Foundation are considering a 3-day joint code sprint: 1-3 March 2022, 8-10 March 2022
Longer Term Plans:
* Non-breaking changes and enhancements: Version 1.x
* Version 2.x
Any Other Business:
Date of Next Meeting: 2021-12-23 ?? 2022??