Wed, Dec 8th 3:30pm
  Data Quality Workshop

Project: Data Quality DWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: Sterling Jasa-Phillips
Facilitator: Scott Simmons
Following our successful premier at June’21 OGC Member meeting we invite you to another edition
of the public and open Data Quality Workshop.

This edition’s topic is ‘FAIR data quality measures’ and the motivation for this topic, among others,
comes from the newly set-up ISO standards development project, in which many OGC members
participate: ISO/AWI 19157-3 Geographic information – Data quality – Part 3: Data quality measure
register’. ISO 19157-3 is a joint ISO/TC211 and OGC project and our ultimate aim is to set-up a
machine-actionable register of data quality measures.

During this workshop we would like to explore various perspectives on data quality measures as we
feel that what ISO/TC211 recognizes currently in ISO 19157: 2013 is too ‘geoinfo-centric’ and we
need to include wider geospatial perspective with their own measures. Moreover, many standard
data quality measures used for expressing the quality of geographic information (such as those
defined in ISO 19157: 2013 Geographic information – Data quality) are not accessible for automatic
consumptions. As a result, they are either overlooked and new measures are defined, or providers
tend to create their own online measure registries and these, although claim to be ISO 19157
compliant, often introduce own interpretations.

We are convinced that a machine-actionable quality measures register will enable FAIR (Findable,
Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) quality measures. This ultimately contributes to the
FAIRness of the quality information related to spatial datasets (the topic of our previous edition of
OGC Data Quality Workshop), and, thereby, to the overall aim of making location FAIR, which is the
very mission of the OGC.

The Open Geospatial Consortium’s Data Quality Domain Working Group and the group of
international domain experts invite participation in the Workshop to be held virtually on 8
December 2021 as part of the 121 th OGC Member Meeting.

This 3-hour community workshop is open for members and non-members of OGC alike and the
registration is free. The results will contribute to efforts towards establishing a standard compliant
and trusted data quality measures register.

The workshop will be presented in three parts: starting with setting the scene and introducing the
motivation towards FAIR data quality measures for spatial data. We will then continue with
highlighting some examples of measures from selected domains, and conclude the workshop with
exploring options to move forward.

Part I: Setting the scene – justification for FAIR data quality measures (30 min)
We will introduce motivation and the context for this workshop: the rationale behind initiative
towards FAIR data quality measures. We will also demonstrate a past, painful experience to justify
this effort and outline a use-case where FAIR data quality measures are paramount.

Part II: Community perspectives – domain-specific examples of data quality measures and their
use (90 min)
Lightning talks will be presented by an expert panel of data scientists, stewards, practitioners, and
data producers. 

Part III: Discussion &Hands-on session (60 min)
This part of the workshop will explore capabilities if OGC Definition Server to host register of
standard data quality measures, and highlight potential challenges therein.

Session Agenda Items
  1. Speaker: 
    Ivana Ivánová (Curtin University)
    Introduction (10 min)
  2. Speaker: 
    Joan Masó (CREAF)
    Setting the scene – justification for machine-actionable DQ measures (20 min)
  3. Speaker: 
    Linda van der Brink (Geonovum)
    Measures & Spatial Data on the Web (15 min)
  4. Speaker: 
    Christina Lief (WMO), Jasmine Muir (FrontierSI/SmartSat CRC; AquaWatch), Erin Kenna (CSIRO) (WMO)
    Quality Quality measures for Meteorology (15 min)
  5. Speaker: 
    Peng Yue (Wuhan University) (Wuhan University)
    Quality Measures for Remote Sensing Traning Data (15 min)
  6. Speaker: 
    Jasmine Muir (FrontierSI/SmartSat CRC)
    Quality Measures for EO cal/val (15 min)
  7. Speaker: 
    Rob Atkinson (OGC)
    Hands-on session Demo of OGC’s Definition Server (30 min)
  8. Speaker: 
    All (various)
    Discussion (30 min)