Mon, Dec 6th 3:30pm (Room D)
  Temporal DWG
The Temporal DWG aims to develop best practices for specifying time and dates in geospatial standards and across domains.
Project: Temporal DWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: Chris Little
Facilitator: Piotr Zaborowski
Welcome, Introduction, brief history
Election of Co-chair
Discussion and way forward for Abstract Spec for Time
Needs a charter drafting to form a SWG
DIscussion and way forward for Temporal Best Practice
This is in DWG scope
Revamp of TRS form for OGC Naming Authority

Session Agenda Items
No Agenda Items Set

About this group...
The goal of the OGC Temporal DWG is to clarify the role of time as a first-class alignment concept next to space, and to strive for a handling of time which is coherent and integrated with that of space. As the issue of time in CRSs is an overarching one across all OGC, the WG will seek to include background from as many OGC stakeholder groups and WGs as possible.