Thu, Jun 17th 7:00am (Room A)
  Asia Forum g2m

Project: Asia Forum
Reserved By: Chen-Yu (How) Hao
Facilitator: Trevor Taylor
Update on Forum Member work and planning for a potential activity leading up to the September (Asia Time zone) Forum meeting.

Session Agenda Items
  1. Speaker: 
    Prof. Tien-Yin Chou (Chair of OGC Asia Forum)
    Opening remark (5 min)
  2. Speaker: 
    Dr. Yin, Hsiao-Yuan (SWCB)
    Comprehensive landslide hazards management in Taiwan (12 min)
  3. Speaker: 
    Prof. Ki-Joune Li (Pusan National University)
    Policy of Smart City in Korea and LH’s Smart City Development. (12 min)
  4. Speaker: 
    Dr. Bui Quang Hung (VNU University of Engineering and Technology)
    Development of Virtual Campus Using OGC CityGML standard: a case study for Vietnam National University, Hanoi (12 min)
  5. Speaker: 
    Dr. Ming-Chih Cheng (National Applied Research Laboratories)
    Taiwan Open Data Cube development in NARLabs. (12 min)
  6. Speaker: 
    His-Ching Lin (National Center for High Performance Computing)
    The Development Progress of 3D geospatial Infrastructure in Taiwan (12 min)
  7. Speaker: 
    Dr. Kyoungsook KIM (AI Center, AIST)
    A 3D map platform for supporting safe mobility. (12 min)
  8. Speaker: 
    Trevor Tylor, Prof. Jimmy (OGC)
    Next Event Discussion (30 min)