Tue, Jun 15th 4:30pm (Room C)
  Health Session g2m
Health DWG Session to cover topics, member activities, and interests in GeoHealth.
Project: Health DWG  (read more...)
Reserved By: Ajay Gupta
1. Welcome & Introductions

2. Updates on OGC's geohealth activities, Joshua Lieberman, OGC

Josh will discuss and answer question on the status of the OGC's Health SDI Concept Development Study as well as the soon-to-KickOff Disaster Pilot 2021.

3. Geospatial Education in Healthcare, Kristen Kurland, PhD

Description: Professor Kristen Kurland has been teaching physician executives, medical students, residents, fellows, and researchers the importance of GIS since 1999. Her courses at Carnegie Mellon University explore the integration and analysis of business, health, and geospatial data. Examples include importing EHR and location based data into mapping applications for marketing, strategic planning, decision making, or medical health research. She will discuss how her courses and cross-disciplinary projects engage healthcare organizations.

4. How can we remain sensitive when remote sensing?, Jessie L Abbate, PhD

Description: The scope and capability of remote-sensed Earth Observation (EO) and mobility data is limited only by imagination. Many who know and recognize this find its potential in equal parts amazing and ...creepy. This talk will delve into the privacy issues raised by end users interested in - but hesitant about - the technology, and stimulate conversation around what rules and ethics are needed to enable the "amazing" and protect against the "creepy". This is particularly pertinent for the Health DWG because it touches on privacy issues common across the health domain.

5. Future Health DWG Plans

6. Adjourn

Session Agenda Items
No Agenda Items Set

About this group...
The OGC Health DWG enables OGC to identify and work with a representative group of market participants in the identification and prioritization of use cases, business and technical requirements that will provide the most significant value, or mitigate the most significant risks in this arena.