Environmental Data Retrieval API SWG Meeting 55
20:30-22:00 UTC (14:30 MDT, 16:30 EDT, 21:30 BST, 22:30 CEST, Thursday 04:30 CST, Thursday 08:30 AEDT)
* Agree Agenda and IPR Call
* Minutes/Notes of previous meeting
* frozen for publication at Wed 16:00 UTC 28 Apr 2021
* final draft after editorial proof-reading 27 May 2021
Progress in the last month:
* Current Candidate EDR API Specification:
* Outstanding Issues:
* Outstanding Pull Requests:
* Compliance Test Suite:
* API coordination:
* Update other Documentation on GitHub
* Demos: Mark Burgoyne, Shane Mill, Igor Andruska, etc
Plans for next month:
* Corrections: Version 1.0.x
* Outreach
Longer Term Plans:
* Non-breaking changes and enhancements: Version 1.x
* Version 2.x
Any Other Business
Date of Next Meeting: 1 July 2021 ??