Fri, Jun 17th 9:00am ( Castilla )
ILAF Interoperability Day
The Spanish and Portuguese communities are getting organized to deploy the next generation of OGC services: OGC APIs. In the ILAF Interoperability Day, you will get an opportunity to share your experience of how you implemented OGC APIs and learn how others in the community are doing it? You could also discover the benefits of being part of the OGC community. A morning with the Spanish and Portuguese geospatial standards enthusiasts.
NOTA: Los idiomas principales de la sesión serán el español y el portugués, aceptando el inglés cuando el orador no domine el ninguno de los dos. Agenda preparada en colaboración con: CREAF, CNIG i OGC
Project: Iberian and Latin American Forum
Reserved By: Caroline Robinson
Facilitator: Caroline Robinson
Session Agenda Items