TC Southampton HDF SWG
Mon, Sep 11, 2017 3:00 AM - 4:30 AM EDT
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Recap of Friday DSTL session
1. Topic 2 issues – Roger Lott
2. CRSs in grid coverages – Peter Baumann
3. CRS and Grids (17-072) – Eric Hirschorn
4. Discussion – boundary between topic 2 and topic 6
GeoAPI model for Moving Features: use case with netCDF and CSV encodings; Martin Desruisseaux; GEOMATYS;
- Status report (P. Baumann, 10min)
- Coverages and CRSs: summary of harmonization meeting (P. Baumann, 5min)
- Datacube.DWG (P. Baumann, 10min)
- Some recent results on spatio-temporal array analysis acceleration (. Baumann, 20min)
- n-D grid/polygon clipping in presence of partitioned grid storage (P. Baumann, 15min)
1. Over view of SC, whitepaper, objectives, time horizon (Carsten)
2. Overview of bSI (Richard Petrie, bSI - tbc)
3. Differences and commonalities - future activities to agree these (Carsten)
4. Developing a use-case driven conversion between IFC and CityGML: results, recommendations and plans for a EuroSDR follow-up" Ken Ohori Arroyo, Abdou Diakitie, Hugo Ledoux and Jantien Stoter
5. FCP2 plans and relationship with IDBE (Bart)
6. Feedback on ISO stage 0 NWIP (Scott, Carsten)
Brief update on status of joint ISO 19111/Topic 2 editing work
Dr. Matthew Purss - Coordinate Reference systems for DGGS – what does it mean?
Interest in OGC Testbed for coordinate reference systems?
Validating CRS WKT
Validating coordinate projections
- Status report (P. Baumann, 10min max)
- Specifications in the adoption pipeline (P. Baumann, 5min)
- MetOcean GetCorridor Extension for WCS2.1 (P. Trevelyan, 20-30min)
This ad-hoc session is intended to be an open discussion to explore support by OGC members for the formation of a new Domain Working Group (DWG) tentatively named the "Distributed Simulation and Gaming" DWG.
For the last two years or so, the OGC has become directly involved in the geospatial interoperability challenges of the distributed simulation community during the development and approval of the OGC CDB 1.0.1 standard. CDB is a backwards compatible approach to the challenge of a shared geospatial data foundation on which an interoperable synthetic environment can be generated in simulation 'run-time'.
The current state and future of shared synthetic environments for interoperable training, rehearsal, and operational use will likely see new technologies, including increased leveraging of serious gaming, that will benefit from agreed standard geospatial data foundations.
In the last two years several new members from the simulation and gaming industries have joined OGC. The ad-hoc meeting will explore support for creating the new DWG as a 'home' for gathering of requirements, sharing information, and supporting the OGC CDB, and potentially other Standards Working Groups.
GeoSciML SWG Agenda for Southampton
1.Why to align, Steve Smith (10 minutes)
2.Scope and design principles of LandInfra, Paul Scarponcini (10 minutes)
3.Scope and design principles of CityGML, Thomas Kolbe (10 minutes)
4.Aligning approach from LandInfra perspective, Hans-Christoph Gruler & Paul Scarponcini (10 minutes)
5.Aligning approach from CityGML perspective, Jantien Stoter (10 minutes)
6.Implementation of CityGML and LandInfra / InfraGML for a BIM acoustic use case: lessons learned, Emmanuel Devys, IGN France
7.Discussion with main outcome: next steps
1. Verify membership / proxies / quorum / patent call
2. Approve agenda
3. Approve previous meeting (August 21, 2017) Draft Minutes
4. Action Items
5. Updates
LandInfra II
6. Current Activity
InfraGML Parts 0-6: publicly posted
InfraGML Part 7 (Land Division): being posted
LandInfra II: Site, WUPI, Roadmap
Code List manifesto
7. Other Business
IFC alignment verification
8. Next Meeting(s)
9. Adjourn
Point Cloud DWG Session at Southampton, UK
Wed 8:50-9:45
· Presentation of new LoD model and building sub-divisions (Tatjana, Thomas)
· Suggestion for core CityGML model including components and spaces (Tatjana, Thomas)
· Discussion
Thu 8:00-9:45
· Continuation of discussion from Wednesday
· Working group progress and Plan for publication of CityGML
· CityJSON proposal by TU Delft, discussion
· Usefulness of innovation fair (short discussion, if we have time)
DGGS SWG draft agenda:
Testbed 13 and Security
* Testbef 13 Security ER (Andreas Matheus)
* Testbed 13 Workflow and Security (Benjamin Proß)
3D NYC - Thomas Kolbe, TUM (20 min)
Discussions OGC et acteurs éventuels sur montage FCP2 - Bart, OGC (45 min)
Community Energy Management System ADE, Keiji Yamada, KOKUSAI KOGYO Co., Ltd. (20 min)
DGGS DWG draft agenda:
- Short Status Reports:
+ OGC 13-026r9
+ OGC 17-074
+ OGC 17-003
- Discussion on CRs
Preliminary agenda:
Introductions and technology struggles [5 min – we are getting better!]
Election of at least one Co-Chair for the DWG, Chris Little, Met Office [20 min]
Presentation by candidates, [3 min each]
OpenWeather WMO web API for the global community, Rich Carne [15+5 min]
Extending WCS2.1 to extract trajectories, Pete Trevelyan [10+5 min]
Reports on progress of SWG work, Chris Little, Met Office [10+5 min]
Prioritisation of future OGC and W3C and perhaps RDA work, Members [20 min]
AOB [5 min]
• TOP 1: Status Publication 3DPS Standard Document
• TOP 2: Election of Co-Chair
• TOP 3: Cesium, 3D Tiles and CityGML
– Shehzan Mohammed, AGI via goto Meeting
• TOP 4: Interoperability of i3s and Cesium using 3DPS
– V. Coors, HFT Stuttgart
• TOP 5: CityGML to I3S and 3D Tiles conversion for 3D Modeling
– C. Dahmen, conterra
• TOP 6: lessons learned: 3D Portrayal Service 1.1
– R. Gutbell, Fraunhofer IGD, via goto meeting
- Update Compliance program (Luis Bermudez, OGC)
- Update Validation Tools (TEAM Engine, tests, roadmap etc.) - Dirk Stenger, latlon
- OGC Validation of instances and monitoring SLA performance (Forest Gafford Image Matters)
- Compliance Testing and Microservices (Chuck Heazel, WISC)
- Update INSPIRE Compliance activities (Giacomo Martirano, Epsilon-IT)
- Testbed 13 Update and possible ideas for Testbed 14 (Luis Bermudez, OGC)
For current working draft (V0.8)
* Achieve consensus to present to OAB for RFC submission
* Security considerations
* Client aspects
* Integrity approaches for Capabilities document
1. Corrigendum: Fixing errors in indoorgmlcore.xsd by Hye-Young Kang (10min.)
2. Presentation
- iNous Project - Building an Eco-System for IndoorGML by Ki-Joune Li (20 min.)
- CityJSON - Hugo Ledoux (20 min.)
3. Discussion (20 min.)
- JSON encoding for IndoorGML
- Use-Cases
4. Other Issues (10 min.)
- Opening Remarks
- Co-Chair Nominations/Vote
- Disaster Response Support based on Dynamic Population Estimation using Mobile Phone Big Data; Nobuhiro Ishimaru
- 'NASA/CONAE/GEO/CEOS Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas' outbrief, Don Sullivan, NASA (Defered)
Discussion - 3D Portryal Requirements
Wed 8:50-9:45
· Presentation of new LoD model and building sub-divisions (Tatjana, Thomas)
· Suggestion for core CityGML model including components and spaces (Tatjana, Thomas)
· Discussion
Thu 8:00-9:45
· Continuation of discussion from Wednesday
· Working group progress and Plan for publication of CityGML
· CityJSON proposal by TU Delft, discussion
· Usefulness of innovation fair (short discussion, if we have time)