Open Geospatial Consortium
Spatio Temporal Asset Catalog (STAC) Community Standard
This document is not an OGC Standard. This document is distributed for review and comment. This document is subject to change without notice and may not be referred to as an OGC Standard.
Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation.
Document type: OGC® Community Standard
Document subtype:
Document stage: Draft
Document language: English
STAC Community
The organization listed above has granted the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) a nonexclusive, royalty-free, paid up, worldwide license to copy and distribute this document and to modify this document and distribute copies of the modified version under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (see below).
License Agreement
The Standard is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (the “License”). You are directed to the License for specific details at:
The original source for the STAC specification is located on GitHub here:
The SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) family of specifications aim to standardize the way geospatial asset metadata is structured and queried. A “spatiotemporal asset” is any file that represents information about the Earth at a certain place and time. The original focus was on scenes of satellite imagery, but the specifications now cover a broad variety of uses, including sources such as aircraft and drone and data such as hyperspectral optical, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), video, point clouds, lidar, digital elevation models (DEM), vector, machine learning labels, and composites like NDVI and mosaics. STAC is intentionally designed with a minimal core and flexible extension mechanism to support a broad set of use cases. This specification has matured over the past several years, and is used in numerous production deployments.
This is advantageous to providers of geospatial data, as they can simply use a well-designed, standard format and API without needing to design their own proprietary one. This is advantageous to consumers of geospatial data, as they can use existing libraries and tools to access metadata, instead of needing to write new code to interact with each data provider’s proprietary formats and APIs.
The STAC specifications define related JSON object types connected by link relations to support a HATEOAS-style traversable interface and a RESTful API providing additional browse and search interfaces. Typically, several STAC specifications are composed together to create an implementation. The Item, Catalog, and Collection specifications define a minimal core of the most frequently used JSON object types. Because of the hierarchical structure between these objects, a STAC catalog can be implemented in a completely ‘static’ manner as a group of hyperlinked Catalog, Collection, and Item URLs, enabling data publishers to expose their data as a browsable set of files. If more complex query abilities are desired, such as spatial or temporal predicates, the STAC API specification can be implemented as a web service interface to query over a group of STAC objects, usually held in a database.
To the greatest extent possible, STAC uses and extends existing specifications. The most important object in STAC is an Item, which is simply a GeoJSON Feature with a well-defined set of additional attributes (“foreign members”). The STAC API extends the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core with additional web service endpoints and object attributes.
The master branch is the ‘stable’ version of the spec. It is currently version 1.1.0 of the specification. The STAC specification follows Semantic Versioning, so any breaking change will require the spec to go to 2.0.0.
The dev branch
is where active development takes place, and may have inconsistent
examples. Whenever dev stabilizes, a release is cut and we merge
in to master
. So master
should be stable at any given time. More information on how the STAC
development process works can be found in
Our gitter channel is the best place to ask questions or provide feedback. The majority of communication about the evolution of the specification takes place in the issue tracker and in pull requests.
The Item, Catalog, Collection, and STAC API specifications are intended to be used together, but are designed so each piece is small, self-contained, and reusable in other contexts.
organization.Anyone building software that catalogs imagery or other geospatial assets is welcome to collaborate. Beforehand, please review our guidelines for contributions and code of conduct. You may also be interested in our overall process, and the principles that guide our collaboration
There are three component specifications that together make up the core SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog specification. Each can be used alone, but they work best in concert with one another. The STAC API specification builds on top of that core, but is out of scope for this overview. An Item represents a single spatiotemporal asset as GeoJSON so it can be searched. The Catalog specification provides structural elements, to group Items and Collections. Collections are catalogs, that add more required metadata and describe a group of related Items. For more on the differences see the section below.
A UML diagram of the STAC model is also provided to help with navigating the specification.
STAC is built on top of many great standards and practices. Every part of STAC is JSON, and GeoJSON provides the core geometry fields and features definition. All fields are described in the specifications, and the acceptable values are defined with JSON Schema. The released JSON Schemas provide the core testing definitions, and are used in an array of validation tools. We also rely on RFC 8288 (Web Linking) to express relationships between resources, and IANA Media Types to describe file formats and format contents. The OGC API - Features standard is a final core building block. The STAC Collection extends the Collection JSON defined in OGC API - Features (and the full API definition is the foundation for the STAC API specification).
The STAC specifications are written to be understandable without needing a full background in these. But if you want to get deep into STAC tool implementation and are not familiar with any of the standards mentioned above it is recommended to read up on them. STAC development is guided by set of core philosophical tenets, like building small reusable parts that are loosely coupled, focusing on developers, and more - see our the principles document to learn more.
Note: Setting a field in JSON to null
is not
equivalent to a field not appearing in STAC, as JSON Schema tools treat
them differently. STAC defines null
explicitly for some
fields, where it has a particular meaning. So null
not be used unless the STAC spec defines its use - instead the field
should be left out entirely.
Fundamental to any SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog, an Item object represents a unit of data and metadata, typically representing a single scene of data at one place and time. A STAC Item is a GeoJSON Feature and can be easily read by any modern GIS or geospatial library, and it describes a SpatioTemporal Asset. The STAC Item JSON specification uses the GeoJSON geometry to describe the location of the asset, and then includes additional information:
A STAC Item can contain additional fields and JSON structures to communicate more information about the asset, so it can be easily searched. STAC provides a core set of Common Metadata and there is a wider community working on a variety of STAC Extensions that provide shared metadata for more specific domains. Both aim to describe data with well known, well defined terms to enable consistent publishing and better search. For more recommendations on selecting fields for an Item see this section of the best practices document.
A ‘spatiotemporal asset’ is any file that represents information about the earth captured in a certain space and time. Examples include Imagery (from satellites, planes and drones), SAR, Point Clouds (from LiDAR, Structure from Motion, etc), Data Cubes, Full Motion Video, and data derived from any of those. The key is that the GeoJSON is not the actual ‘thing’, but instead references files and serves as an index to the ‘assets’. It is not recommended to use STAC to refer to traditional vector data layers (shapefile, geopackage) as assets, as they don’t quite fit conceptually.
Before we go deep into the Catalogs and Collections, it is worth explaining the relationship between the two and when you might want to use one or the other.
A Catalog is a very simple construct - it just provides links to Items or to other Catalogs. The closest analog is a folder in a file structure, it is the container for Items, but it can also hold other containers (folders / catalogs).
The Collection entity shares most fields with the Catalog entity but has a number of additional fields: license, extent (spatial and temporal), providers, keywords and summaries. Every Item in a Collection links back to their Collection, so clients can easily find fields like the license. Thus every Item implicitly shares the fields described in their parent Collection. Collection entities can be used just like Catalog entities to provide structure, as they provide all the same options for linking and organizing.
But what should go in a Collection, versus just in a Catalog? A Collection will generally consist of a set of assets that are defined with the same properties and share higher level metadata. In the satellite world these would typically all come from the same sensor or constellation. It corresponds directly to what others call a “dataset series” (ESA, ISO 19115), “collection” (CNES, NASA), and “dataset” (JAXA, DCAT). So if all your Items have the same properties, they probably belong in the same Collection. But the construct is deliberately flexible, as there may be good reasons to break the recommendation.
Catalogs in turn are used for two main things:
The first case allows users to browse down into the Items of large collections. A collection like Landsat usually would start with path and row Catalogs to group by geography, and then year, month and day groups to enable deeper grouping. Dynamic catalogs can provide multiple grouping paths, serving as a sort of faceted search.
The second case is used when one wants to represent diverse data in a single place. If an organization has an internal catalog with Landsat 8, Sentinel 2, NAIP data and several commercial imagery providers then they’d have a root Catalog that would link to a number of different Collections.
So in conclusion it’s best to use Collections for what you want users to find as the starting point, and then Catalogs are just for structuring and grouping the data. Future work includes a mechanism to actually search Collection-level data, hopefully in concert with other specifications.
NOTE: The below examples all say Catalog, but those can all be Collections as well, as it has all the fields necessary to serve as a Catalog
There are two required element types of a Catalog: Catalog and Item. A STAC Catalog points to STAC Items, or to other STAC catalogs. It provides a simple linking structure that can be used recursively so that many Items can be included in a single Catalog, organized however the implementor desires.
STAC makes no formal distinction between a “root” Catalog and the “child” Catalogs. A root Catalog is simply the top-most Catalog or Collection – it has no parent. A nested catalog structure is useful (and recommended) for breaking up massive numbers of catalog Items into logical groupings. For example, it might make sense to organize a catalog by date (year, month, day), or geography (continent, country, state/prov). See the Catalog Layout best practices section for more.
A simple STAC structure might look like this:
This example might be considered a somewhat “typical” structure. However, Catalogs and Items can describe a number of different relationships. The following shows various relationships between catalogs and items:
-> Item
(this is a common
structure for a catalog to list links to Items)Catalog
-> Catalog
(this is a common
tree structure to group sets of Items. Each catalog in this relationship
may also include Item links as well as catalog links)The relationships are all described by a common links
object structure, making use of the rel
field to further
describe the relationship.
There are a few types of catalogs that implementors occasionally
refer to. These get defined by the links
It should be noted that a Catalog does not have to link back to all the other Catalogs that point to it. Thus a published root catalog might be a sub-catalog of someone else’s structure. The goal is for data providers to publish all the information and links they want to, while also encouraging a natural web of information to arise as Catalogs and Items are linked to across the web.
The Catalog specification is designed so it can be implemented as easily as possible. This can be as simple as simply putting linked json files on a file server or an object storage service (like AWS S3), or it can be generated on the fly by a live server. The first type of implementation is often called a ‘static catalog’, and any catalog that is not just files is called a ‘dynamic catalog’. You can read more about the two types along with recommendations in this section of the best practices document, along with how to keep a dynamic catalog in sync with a static one.
In addition to information about different catalog types, the best practices document has a number of suggestions on how to organize and implement good catalogs. The catalog specification is designed for maximum flexibility, so none of these are required, but they provide guidance for implementors who want to follow what most of the STAC community is doing.
A STAC Collection includes the core fields of the Catalog entity and also provides additional metadata to describe the set of Items it contains. The required fields are fairly minimal - it includes the 4 required Catalog fields (id, description, stac_version and links), and adds license and extents. But there are a number of other common fields defined in the spec, and more common fields are also defined in STAC extensions. These serve as basic metadata, and ideally Collections also link to fuller metadata (ISO 19115, etc) when it is available.
As Collections contain all of Catalogs’ core fields, they can be used just as flexibly. They can have both parent Catalogs and Collections as well as child Items, Catalogs and Collections. Items are strongly recommended to have a link to the Collection they are a part of. Items can only belong to one Collection, so if an Item is in a Collection that is the child of another Collection, then it must pick which one to refer to. Generally the ‘closer’ Collection, the more specific one, should be the one linked to.
The Collection specification is used standalone quite easily - it is used to describe an aggregation of data, and doesn’t require links down to sub-catalogs and Items. This is most often used when the software does operations at the layer / coverage level, letting users manipulate a whole collection of assets at once. They often have an optimized internal format that doesn’t make sense to expose as Items. OpenEO and Google Earth Engine are two examples that only use STAC collections, and both would be hard-pressed to expose individual Items due to their architectures. For others implementing STAC Collections can also be a nice way to start and achieve some level of interoperability.
This document explains the structure and content of a SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) Item. An Item is a GeoJSON Feature augmented with foreign members relevant to a STAC object. These include fields that identify the time range and assets of the Item. An Item is the core object in a STAC Catalog, containing the core metadata that enables any client to search or crawl online catalogs of spatial ‘assets’ (e.g., satellite imagery, derived data, DEMs).
The same Item definition is used in both STAC Catalogs and the Item-related API endpoints. Catalogs are simply sets of Items that are linked online, generally served by simple web servers and used for crawling data. The search endpoint enables dynamic queries, for example selecting all Items in Hawaii on June 3, 2015, but the results they return are FeatureCollections of Items.
Items are represented in JSON format and are very flexible. Any JSON object that contains all the required fields is a valid STAC Item.
This object describes a STAC Item. The fields id
, bbox
, geometry
are inherited from GeoJSON.
Field Name | Type | Description |
type | string | REQUIRED. Type of the GeoJSON Object. MUST be set
to Feature . |
stac_version | string | REQUIRED. The STAC version the Item implements. |
stac_extensions | [string] | A list of extensions the Item implements. |
id | string | REQUIRED. Provider identifier. The ID should be unique within the Collection that contains the Item. |
geometry | GeoJSON Geometry Object | null | REQUIRED. Defines the full footprint of the asset represented by this item, formatted according to RFC 7946, section 3.1 if a geometry is provided or section 3.2 if no geometry is provided. |
bbox | [number] | REQUIRED if geometry is not null ,
prohibited if geometry is null .
Bounding Box of the asset represented by this Item, formatted according
to RFC 7946,
section 5. |
properties | Properties Object | REQUIRED. A dictionary of additional metadata for the Item. |
links | [Link Object] | REQUIRED. List of link objects to resources and
related URLs. See the best
practices for details on when the use self links is
strongly recommended. |
assets | Map<string, Asset Object> | REQUIRED. Dictionary of asset objects that can be downloaded, each with a unique key. |
collection | string | The id of the STAC Collection this Item references to.
This field is required if a link with a
collection relation type is present and is not
allowed otherwise. |
In general, STAC versions can be mixed, but please keep the recommended best practices in mind.
A list of extensions the Item implements. The list consists of URLs to JSON Schema files that can be used for validation. This list must only contain extensions that extend the Item specification itself, see the ‘Scope’ for each of the extensions.
It is important that an Item identifier is unique within a Collection, and that the Collection identifier in turn is unique globally. Then the two can be combined to give a globally unique identifier. Items are strongly recommended to have Collections, and not having one makes it more difficult to be used in the wider STAC ecosystem. If an Item does not have a Collection, then the Item identifier should be unique within its root Catalog or root Collection.
As most geospatial assets are already uniquely defined by some identification scheme from the data provider it is recommended to simply use that ID. Data providers are advised to include sufficient information to make their IDs globally unique, including things like unique satellite IDs. See the id section of best practices for additional recommendations.
Defines the full footprint of the asset represented by this item, formatted according to RFC 7946.
If a geometry is provided, the value must be a
Geometry Object according to RFC 7946, section
3.1 with the exception that the type GeometryCollection
is not allowed in STAC. If no geometry is provided, the
value must be null
according to RFC 7946, section
Coordinates are specified in Longitude/Latitude or Longitude/Latitude/Elevation based on WGS 84.
Bounding Box of the asset represented by this Item using either 2D or 3D geometries, formatted according to RFC 7946, section 5. The length of the array must be 2*n where n is the number of dimensions. The array contains all axes of the southwesterly most extent followed by all axes of the northeasterly most extent specified in Longitude/Latitude or Longitude/Latitude/Elevation based on WGS 84. When using 3D geometries, the elevation of the southwesterly most extent is the minimum depth/height in meters and the elevation of the northeasterly most extent is the maximum. This field enables more naive clients to easily index and search geospatially. STAC compliant APIs are required to compute intersection operations with the Item’s geometry field, not its bbox.
The id
of the STAC Collection this Item references to
with the collection
type in the links
This field provides an easy way for a user to search for any Items that belong in a specified Collection. If present, must be a non-empty string.
Additional metadata fields can be added to the GeoJSON Object
Properties. The only required field is datetime
but it is
recommended to add more fields, see Additional Fields resources below.
Field Name | Type | Description |
datetime | string|null | REQUIRED. The searchable date and time of the
assets, which must be in UTC. It is formatted according to RFC 3339, section
5.6. null is allowed, but requires
start_datetime and end_datetime from common
metadata to be set. |
This is likely the acquisition (in the case of single camera type
captures) or the ‘nominal’ or representative time in the case of assets
that are combined together. Though time can be a complex thing to
capture, for this purpose keep in mind the STAC spec is primarily
searching for data, so use whatever single date and time is most useful
for a user to search for. STAC content extensions may further specify
the meaning of the main datetime
field, and many will also
add more datetime fields. All times in STAC metadata should be
in Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC). If there’s clearly no meaningful
single ‘nominal’ time, it is allowed to use null
In this case it is required to specify a temporal
interval with the fields start_datetime
from common
metadata. For example, if your data is a time-series that covers 100
years, it’s not very meaningful to set the datetime to a single
timestamp as it would not be found in most searches that searches for a
decade of data in that period although the Item actually covers the
decade. See datetime
selection in the best practices document for more information.
Providers should include metadata fields that are relevant for users of STAC, but it is recommended to select only those necessary for search. Where possible metadata fields should be mapped to the STAC Common Metadata and widely used extensions, to enable cross-catalog search on known fields.
instead of a field view
with an
object value containing the two fields. The convention (as used within
Extensions) is for related fields to use a common prefix on the field
names to group them, e.g. view
. A nested data structure
should only be used when the data itself is nested, as with
.Each link in the links
array must be a Link Object.
All common relation
types except for item
can be used in Items. A
and collection
links are STRONGLY
RECOMMENDED. A link with this rel
type is required
for STAC item if the collection
field in properties is
[!NOTE] Dynamic catalogs can implement multiple parents through a dynamic browsing interface as they could dynamically create the parent link based on the desired browsing structure (though only 1 parent at a time). Multiple parents are allowed for other types than
Items are strongly recommended to provide a link to a STAC Collection definition. It is important as Collections provide additional information about a set of items, for example the license, provider and other information giving context on the overall set of data that an individual Item is a part of.
If Items are part of a STAC Collection, the STAC Collection spec requires Items to link back to the Collection. Linking back must happen in two places:
The field collection
in an Item must be filled (see
section ‘Item fields’). It is the id
of a STAC
An Item must also provide a link to the STAC Collection using the
relation type:
"links": [
"rel": "collection", "href": "link/to/collection/record.json" }
{ ]
Multiple collections can point to an Item, but an Item can only point back to a single collection.
The property assets
is a dictionary of Asset Objects, each with a
unique key. Each asset refers to data associated with the Item that can
be downloaded or streamed. This construct is further detailed in the Assets document.
Assets in a STAC Item should include the main asset, as well as any ‘sidecar’ files that are related and help a client make sense of the data. Examples of this include extended metadata (in XML, JSON, etc.), unusable data masks, satellite ephemeris data, etc. Some assets (like Landsat data) are represented by multiple files - all should be linked to. It is generally recommended that different processing levels or formats are not exhaustively listed in an Item, but instead are represented by related Items that are linked to, but the best practices around this are still emerging.
It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to add to each STAC Item
for preview
A STAC Item is a GeoJSON file (RFC 7946), and thus
should use the application/geo+json
as the Media Type
(previously known as the MIME Type).
STAC Items are extensible. Please refer to the extensions overview to find relevant extensions for STAC Items.
This document explains the structure and content of a STAC Catalog object. A STAC Catalog object represents a logical group of other Catalog, Collection, and Item objects. These Items can be linked to directly from a Catalog, or the Catalog can link to other Catalogs (often called sub-catalogs) that contain links to Collections and Items. The division of sub-catalogs is up to the implementor, but is generally done to aid the ease of online browsing by people.
A Catalog object will typically be the entry point into a STAC catalog. Their purpose is discovery: to be browsed by people or be crawled by clients to build a searchable index.
Any JSON object that contains all the required fields is a valid STAC Catalog object.
The Catalog section of the Overview document provides background information on the structure of Catalogs as well as links to best practices. This specification lays out the requirements and fields to be compliant.
This Catalog specification primarily defines a structure for
information to be discoverable. Any use that is publishing a set of
related spatiotemporal assets is strongly recommended to also use the
STAC Collection specification to provide additional information about
the set of Items contained in a Catalog, in order to give contextual
information to aid in discovery. STAC Collections all have the same
fields as STAC Catalogs, but with different allowed values for
and stac_extensions
Element | Type | Description |
type | string | REQUIRED. Set to Catalog if this
Catalog only implements the Catalog spec. |
stac_version | string | REQUIRED. The STAC version the Catalog implements. |
stac_extensions | [string] | A list of extension identifiers the Catalog implements. |
id | string | REQUIRED. Identifier for the Catalog. |
title | string | A short descriptive one-line title for the Catalog. |
description | string | REQUIRED. Detailed multi-line description to fully explain the Catalog. CommonMark 0.29 syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
links | [Link Object] | REQUIRED. A list of references to other documents. |
In general, STAC versions can be mixed, but please keep the recommended best practices in mind.
A list of extensions the Catalog implements. The list consists of URLs to JSON Schema files that can be used for validation. This list must only contain extensions that extend the Catalog specification itself, see the ‘Scope’ for each of the extensions. This must not declare the extensions that are only implemented in child Collection objects or child Item objects.
Each link in the links
array must be a Link Object.
All the common relation
types can be used in catalog. A self
and a
links are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Non-root Catalogs
SHOULD include a parent
link to their parent.
[!NOTE] A link to at least one
(Catalog or Collection) is RECOMMENDED, but empty catalogs are allowed if there is an intent to populate it or its children were removed.
A STAC Catalog is a JSON file (RFC 8259), and thus
should use the application/json
as the Media Type
(previously known as the MIME Type).
STAC Catalogs are extensible. Please refer to the extensions overview to find relevant extensions for STAC Catalogs.
The STAC Collection Specification defines a set of common fields to
describe a group of Items that share properties and metadata. The
Collection Specification shares all fields with the STAC Catalog Specification (with
different allowed values for type
) and adds fields to describe the whole
dataset and the included set of Items. Collections can have both parent
Catalogs and Collections and child Items, Catalogs and Collections.
A STAC Collection is represented in JSON format. Any JSON object that contains all the required fields is a valid STAC Collection and also a valid STAC Catalog.
STAC Collections are compatible with the Collection JSON specified in OGC API - Features, but they are extended with additional fields.
Element | Type | Description |
type | string | REQUIRED. Must be set to Collection to
be a valid Collection. |
stac_version | string | REQUIRED. The STAC version the Collection implements. |
stac_extensions | [string] | A list of extension identifiers the Collection implements. |
id | string | REQUIRED. Identifier for the Collection that is unique across all collections in the root catalog. |
title | string | A short descriptive one-line title for the Collection. |
description | string | REQUIRED. Detailed multi-line description to fully explain the Collection. CommonMark 0.29 syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
keywords | [string] | List of keywords describing the Collection. |
license | string | REQUIRED License(s) of the data collection as SPDX
License identifier, SPDX License expression, or other (see
below). |
providers | [Provider Object] | A list of providers, which may include all organizations capturing or processing the data or the hosting provider. |
extent | Extent Object | REQUIRED. Spatial and temporal extents. |
summaries | Map<string, [*]|Range Object|JSON Schema Object> | STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. A map of property summaries, either a set of values, a range of values or a JSON Schema. |
links | [Link Object] | REQUIRED. A list of references to other documents. |
assets | Map<string, Asset Object> | Dictionary of asset objects that can be downloaded, each with a unique key. |
item_assets | Map<string, Item Asset Definition Object> | A dictionary of assets that can be found in member Items. |
In general, STAC versions can be mixed, but please keep the recommended best practices in mind.
A list of extensions the Collection implements. The list consists of URLs to JSON Schema files that can be used for validation. This list must only contain extensions that extend the Collection specification itself, see the ‘Scope’ for each of the extensions. This must not declare the extensions that are only implemented in child Collection objects or child Item objects.
It is important that Collection identifiers are unique across all collections in the corresponding root catalog. Providers should strive as much as possible to make their Collection ids ‘globally’ unique, prefixing any common information with a unique string. This could be the provider’s name if it is a fairly unique name, or their name combined with the domain they operate in.
License(s) of the data that the STAC Collection and its children provides. If possible, license information should be defined at the Collection level.
The license(s) can be provided as:
if the license is not on
the SPDX license list. The strings various
are deprecated.If the license is not an SPDX license identifier,
links to the license texts SHOULD be added. The links MUST use the license
link relation type. If
there is no public license URL available, it is RECOMMENDED to
supplement the STAC Item with the license text in a separate file and
link to this file. If no link to a license is included and the
field is set to other
(or one of the
deprecated values), the Collection is private, and consumers have not
been granted any explicit right to use the data.
A list of providers, which may include all organizations capturing or processing the data or the hosting provider. Providers should be listed in chronological order with the most recent provider being the last element of the list.
The object provides information about a provider. A provider is any of the organizations that captures or processes the content of the Collection and therefore influences the data offered by this Collection. May also include information about the final storage provider hosting the data.
Field Name | Type | Description |
name | string | REQUIRED. The name of the organization or the individual. |
description | string | Multi-line description to add further provider information such as processing details for processors and producers, hosting details for hosts or basic contact information. CommonMark 0.29 syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
roles | [string] | Roles of the provider. Any of licensor ,
producer , processor or host . |
url | string | Homepage on which the provider describes the dataset and publishes contact information. |
roles: The provider’s role(s) can be one or more of the following elements:
field.The object describes the spatio-temporal extents of the Collection. Both spatial and temporal extents are required to be specified.
Element | Type | Description |
spatial | Spatial Extent Object | REQUIRED. Potential spatial extents covered by the Collection. |
temporal | Temporal Extent Object | REQUIRED. Potential temporal extents covered by the Collection. |
The object describes the spatial extents of the Collection.
Element | Type | Description |
bbox | [[number]] | REQUIRED. Potential spatial extents covered by the Collection. |
bbox: Each outer array element can be a separate spatial extent describing the bounding boxes of the assets represented by this Collection using either 2D or 3D geometries.
The first bounding box always describes the overall spatial extent of the data. All subsequent bounding boxes can be used to provide a more precise description of the extent and identify clusters of data. Clients only interested in the overall spatial extent will only need to access the first item in each array. It is recommended to only use multiple bounding boxes if a union of them would then include a large uncovered area (e.g. the union of Germany and Chile). Thus, it doesn’t make sense to provide two bounding boxes and the validation will fail in this case.
The length of the inner array must be 2*n where n is the number of dimensions. The array contains all axes of the southwesterly most extent followed by all axes of the northeasterly most extent specified in Longitude/Latitude or Longitude/Latitude/Elevation based on WGS 84. When using 3D geometries, the elevation of the southwesterly most extent is the minimum depth/height in meters and the elevation of the northeasterly most extent is the maximum.
The coordinate reference system of the values is WGS 84
longitude/latitude. Example that covers the whole Earth:
[[-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0]]
. Example that covers the
whole earth with a depth of 100 meters to a height of 150 meters:
[[-180.0, -90.0, -100.0, 180.0, 90.0, 150.0]]
The object describes the temporal extents of the Collection.
Element | Type | Description |
interval | [[string|null]] | REQUIRED. Potential temporal extents covered by the Collection. |
interval: Each outer array element can be a separate temporal extent. The first time interval always describes the overall temporal extent of the data. All subsequent time intervals can be used to provide a more precise description of the extent and identify clusters of data. Clients only interested in the overall extent will only need to access the first item in each array. It is recommended to only use multiple temporal extents if a union of them would then include a large uncovered time span (e.g. only having data for the years 2000, 2010 and 2020).
Each inner array consists of exactly two elements, either a timestamp
or null
Timestamps consist of a date and time in UTC and MUST be formatted according to RFC 3339, section 5.6. The temporal reference system is the Gregorian calendar.
Open date ranges are supported by setting the start and/or the end
time to null
. Example for data from the beginning of 2019
until now: [["2019-01-01T00:00:00Z", null]]
. It is
recommended to provide at least a rough guideline on the temporal extent
and thus it’s not recommended to set both start and end time to
. Nevertheless, this is possible if there’s a strong
use case for an open date range to both sides.
Collections are strongly recommended to provide summaries of
the values of fields that they can expect from the
of STAC Items contained in this Collection. This
enables users to get a good sense of what the ranges and potential
values of different fields in the Collection are, without having to
inspect a number of Items (or crawl them exhaustively to get a
definitive answer). Summaries are often used to give users a sense of
the data in Standalone
Collections, describing the potential values even when it can’t be
accessed as Items. They also give clients enough information to build
tailored user interfaces for querying the data, by presenting the
potential values that are available. Fields selected to be included in
summaries should capture all the potential values of the field that
appear in every Item underneath the collection, including in any nested
A summary for a field can be specified in three ways:
the field’s array elements of each Item must be merged to a single array
with unique elements.minimum
and maximum
properties can specify the potential range of values, but it is
recommended to be as precise as possible.All values must follow the schema of the property field they
summarize, unless the field is an array as described in (1) above. So
the values in the array or the values given for minimum
must comply to the original data type and any
further restrictions that apply for the property they summarize. For
example, the minimum
for gsd
can’t be lower
than zero and the summaries for platform
must each be an array of strings (or
alternatively minimum and maximum values, but that’s not very
It is recommended to list as many properties as reasonable so that
consumers get a full overview about the properties included in the
Items. Nevertheless, it is not very useful to list all potential
values of the Items. Also, a range for the
property may be better suited to be included in
the STAC Collection’s extent
field. In general, properties
that are covered by the Collection specification should not be repeated
in the summaries.
See the examples folder for Collections with summaries to get a sense of how to use them.
For summaries that would normally consist of a lot of continuous
values, statistics can be added instead. By default, only ranges with a
minimum and a maximum value can be specified. Ranges can be specified
for ordinal
values only, which means they need to have a rank order. Therefore,
ranges can only be specified for numbers and some special types of
strings. Examples: grades (A to F), dates or times. Implementors are
free to add other derived statistical values to the object, for example
or stddev
Field Name | Type | Description |
minimum | number|string | REQUIRED. Minimum value. |
maximum | number|string | REQUIRED. Maximum value. |
For a full understanding of the summarized field, a JSON Schema can be added for each summarized field. This allows very fine-grained information for each field and each value as JSON Schema is also extensible. Each schema must be valid against all corresponding values available for the property in the sub-Items. Empty schemas are not allowed.
JSON Schema draft-07 is the default JSON Schema version, which aligns
with the JSON Schemas provided by STAC. It is allowed to use other
versions of JSON Schema if the version is explicitly expressed in the
JSON Schema $schema
keyword, but tooling may not support
JSON Schema versions other than draft-07
For an introduction to JSON Schema, see “Learn JSON Schema”.
This object is described in the Links document.
All the common relation
types can be used in Collection. A self
and a
links are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Non-root Collections
SHOULD include a parent
link to their parent.
[!NOTE] The STAC Catalog specification requires a link to at least one
Catalog. This is not a requirement for Collections, but recommended. In contrast to Catalogs, it is REQUIRED that Items linked from a Collection MUST refer back to its Collection with a link with thecollection
relation type.
Collection Assets provides an optional mechanism to expose assets
that don’t make sense at the Item level. The property
is a dictionary of Asset Objects, each with a
unique key. Each asset refers to data associated with the Collection
that can be downloaded or streamed. This construct is further detailed
in the Assets document.
There are a few guidelines for using the asset construct at the Collection level:
Collection-level assets can be useful in some scenarios, for example:
Often, it is possible to model data and assets with either a Collection or an Item. In those scenarios we recommend to use Items as much as possible, as they are designed for assets. Using Collection-level assets should only be used if there is no other option.
This serves two purposes:
An Item Asset Object defined at the Collection level is nearly the
same as the Asset Object in
Items, except for two differences. The href
field is
not required, because Item Asset Definitions don’t point to any data by
themselves, but at least two other fields must be present.
An item asset is an object that contains details about the datafiles that will be included in member Items. Assets included at the Collection level do not imply that all assets are available from all Items. However, it is recommended that the Asset Definition is a complete set of all assets that may be available from any member Items. So this should be the union of the available assets, not just the intersection of the available assets.
Field Name | Type | Description |
title | string | The displayed title for clients and users. |
description | string | A description of the Asset providing additional details, such as how it was processed or created. CommonMark 0.29 syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
type | string | Media type of the asset. |
roles | [string] | The semantic roles of the
asset, similar to the use of rel in links. |
Other custom fields, or fields from other extensions may also be included in the Asset object.
Any property that exists for a Collection-level asset object must also exist in the corresponding assets object in each Item. If a collection’s asset object contains properties that are not explicitly stated in the Item’s asset object then that property does not apply to the item’s asset. Item asset objects at the Collection-level can describe any of the properties of an asset, but those assets properties and values must also reside in the item’s asset object. To consolidate item-level asset object properties in an API setting, consider storing the STAC Item objects without the larger properties internally as ‘invalid’ STAC items, and merge in the desired properties at serving time from the Collection-level.
At least two fields (e.g. title
and type
are required to be provided, in order for it to adequately describe Item
assets. The two fields must not necessarily be taken from the list above
and may include any custom field.
A STAC Collection is a JSON file (RFC 8259), and thus
should use the application/json
as the Media Type
(previously known as the MIME Type).
STAC Collections which don’t link to any Item are called
standalone Collections. To describe them with more
fields than the Collection fields has to offer, it is allowed to re-use
the metadata fields defined by extensions for Items in the
field. This makes much sense for fields such as
or proj:code
, which are often the
same for a whole Collection, but doesn’t make much sense for
, which usually varies heavily across a
Collection. The data provider is free to decide, which fields are
reasonable to be used.
STAC Collections are extensible. Please refer to the extensions overview to find relevant extensions for STAC Collections.
This folder contains parts of the specification that are shared across the Item, Catalog and Collection specifications.
Assets: Asset refers to data associated with Items or Collections that can be downloaded or streamed.
Links: Links describe relationships with other entities, e.g. other STAC entities or external resources.
Common Metadata: Common metadata defines commonly used fields in STAC that can be used in all STAC entities, e.g. Items, Collections, Catalogs, Assets, Links, Bands, etc.
Note: For backward compatibility, the JSON Schemas for common metadata are located in the folder that contains the JSON Schemas for the Item specification.
The property assets
is a dictionary of Asset Objects, each with a unique key. Each
asset refers to data associated with the Item or Collection that can be
downloaded or streamed. In general, the keys don’t have any meaning and
are considered to be non-descriptive unique identifiers. Providers may
assign any meaning to the keys for their respective use cases, but must
not expect that clients understand them. To communicate the purpose of
an asset better use the roles
field in
the Asset Object.
An Asset is an object that contains a URI to data associated with the Item that can be downloaded or streamed. It is allowed to add additional fields.
Field Name | Type | Description |
href | string | REQUIRED. URI to the asset object. Relative and absolute URI are both allowed. Trailing slashes are significant. |
title | string | The displayed title for clients and users. |
description | string | A description of the Asset providing additional details, such as how it was processed or created. CommonMark 0.29 syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
type | string | Media type of the asset. See the common media types in the best practice doc for commonly used asset types. |
roles | [string] | The semantic roles of the asset, similar to the
use of rel in links. |
Additional fields may be added to the assets, though this is recommended only in special cases.
Any media type can be used in an Item’s asset type
field, and registered
Media Types are preferred. STAC Items that have sidecar metadata files
associated with a data asset (e.g, .tfw
, Landsat 8 MTL
files) should use media types appropriate for the metadata file. For
example, if it is a plain text file, then text/plain
be appropriate; if it is an XML, then text/xml
appropriate. For more information on media types as well as a list of common media
types used in STAC see the best practice on
working with media types.
The roles
field is used to describe the purpose of each
asset. It is recommended to include one for every asset, to give users a
sense of why they might want to make use of the asset. There are some
emerging standards that enable clients to take particular action when
they encounter particular roles, listed below. But implementors are
encouraged to come up with their own terms to describe the role.
Like the rel
field in Link Objects, the
field can be given any value. However, there are a
few standardized role names that can be found in the best practices.
Commonly used are thumbnail
, overview
and metadata
Note that multiple roles per asset are encouraged: pick all the ones
that apply. So many should have the data
role, and then
another role to describe how the data is used. For more information on
how to use roles see the Asset Roles section of the
Best Practices document.
As detailed above, Items contain properties, which are the main
source of metadata for searching across Items. Many content extensions
can add further property fields as well. Any property that can be
specified for an Item can also be specified for a specific asset. This
can be used to override a property defined in the Item, or to specify
fields for which there is no single value for all assets. If a property
is defined in the Item Properties, it is the default value for all
assets in the Item. If a property is defined in a Collection on the
top-level, it is the default value for all assets in the Collection.
Assets may override the properties inherited for specific assets (see
example below). Inheritance does not apply across multiple files,
i.e. is restricted to a single Item or Collection. Note that in some
cases the inheritance may not lead to the expected results if other
semantics have been defined for the property. See the examples for
and eo:bands
below. It also applies to
some other fields such as created
or updated
Inheritance may be undesirable in these cases, e.g. the
attribute of an item would describe when the
metadata was generated, whereas on an asset the created
attribute would describe when the data file itself was created.
It is important to note that the STAC API does not facilitate searching across Asset properties in this way, and this should be used sparingly. It is primarily used to define properties at the Asset level that may be used during use of the data instead of for searching.
For example, gsd
defined for an Item represents the best
Ground Sample Distance (resolution) for the data within the Item.
However, some assets may be lower resolution and thus have a higher
. The bands
field in combination with the
EO extension defines an array of spectral bands. However, it may be
useful instead to specify the bands that are used in a particular
For an example see the sentinel2-sample.
The Sentinel-2 overall gsd
is 10m, because this is the best
spatial resolution among all the bands and is defined in Item properties
so it can be searched on. In the example Band 5 and others have a
of 20m, so that asset specifies the gsd
well, which overrides the Item gsd
for this one asset. The
example also includes reduced resolution versions of files included as
assets, using gsd
to represent the proper resolution.
For bands
, it could be put in Item properties as an
array of all the bands, but in this case it’s not. Instead, the assets
each define an array containing the spectral band information for that
asset (in the order the bands appear in the file).
For examples of fields that this construct is recommended for, see the section of STAC Best Practices that talks about common use cases of additional fields for assets.
This object describes a relationship with another entity. Data providers are advised to be liberal with the links section, to describe things like the Catalog an Item is in, related Items, parent or child Items (modeled in different ways, like an ‘acquisition’ or derived data).
Field Name | Type | Description |
href | string | REQUIRED. The actual link in the format of an URL. Relative and absolute links are both allowed. Trailing slashes are significant. |
rel | string | REQUIRED. Relationship between the current document and the linked document. See chapter “Relation types” for more information. |
type | string | Media type of the referenced entity. |
title | string | A human readable title to be used in rendered displays of the link. |
method | string | The HTTP method that shall be used for the request to the target
resource, in uppercase. GET by default |
headers | Map<string, string | [string]> | The HTTP headers to be sent for the request to the target resource. |
body | any | The HTTP body to be sent to the target resource. |
For a full discussion of the situations where relative and absolute links are recommended see the ‘Use of links’ section of the STAC best practices.
The field headers
allows to describe a dictionary of
HTTP headers that are required to be sent by the client. The keys of the
dictionary are the header names, and the values are either a single
string or an array of strings. In case of an array, the header is
expected to be sent multiple times with the different values.
One of the best ways to help inform web clients about the content in
a link is to use a common Media Type in the
field. In STAC the type
field is used in
both the Link Object and in the Asset Object. It is quite useful for
STAC browsers to better determine what to render and display to users
searching and browsing the Catalog. Media types are sometimes referred
to by the now deprecated term “MIME types”.
The following table lists the Media Types to use for STAC entities.
Media Type | Description |
application/geo+json |
A STAC Item |
application/json |
A STAC Catalog |
application/json |
A STAC Collection |
STAC Entities use a variety of rel
types in the Link
Object, to describe the exact nature of the link between the STAC object
and the entity it is linking to. It is recommended to use the official
Link Relation Types where possible.
The following table lists the STAC-specific rel
that are used in the links
object of a STAC entity to link
with other STAC entities in the same catalog.
Type | Description | Media Type |
self | Absolute URL to the location that the STAC file can be found online, if available. | application/json |
root | URL to the root STAC entity (Catalog or Collection). | application/json |
parent | URL to the parent STAC entity (Catalog or Collection). | application/json |
child | URL to a child STAC entity (Catalog or Collection). | application/json |
collection | URL to the parent Collection. Absolute URLs should be used whenever possible. | application/json |
item | URL to a STAC Item. | application/geo+json (preferred) or application/json |
relationThe self
relation is used to link to the STAC entity
itself. This is particularly useful when in a download package that
includes metadata, so that the downstream user can know where the data
has come from.
relationThe root
and parent
relations are used to
link to the root and parent STAC entity, which is either a Catalog or a Collection. Conceptually, STAC
entities SHALL have no more than one parent entity. As such, STAC
entities also can have no more than one root entity. Therefore, there’s
usually just one link with root
or parent
relationship unless different variations of the same conceptual entity
exist (identified by the ID). Different variations could be:
property), e.g. a
HTML version in addition to JSONhreflang
e.g. a German version in addition to Englishchild
relationThe child
relation is ONLY used to link
a catalog or collection to a child catalog or collection.
relationThe collection
and item
relations are used
to link to the parent collection and a child Item, respectively. It is
RECOMMENDED to link an item
from a collection and not
directly from a catalog. All Items linked from a Collection MUST refer
back to its Collection with the collection
relation type
The referenced Collection is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to implement the same
STAC version as the Collection.
This document outlines commonly used fields in STAC. They are often used in STAC Item properties, but can also be used in other places, e.g. an Item Asset or Collection Asset.
Various examples are available in the folder examples
. JSON Schemas can
be found in the folder json-schema
Implementation of any of the fields is not required, unless
explicitly required by a specification using the field. For example,
is required in STAC Items.
Descriptive fields to give a basic overview of a STAC entity (e.g. Catalog, Collection, Item, Asset).
Field Name | Type | Description |
title | string | A human readable title describing the STAC entity. |
description | string | Detailed multi-line description to fully explain the STAC entity. CommonMark 0.29 syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
keywords | [string] | List of keywords describing the STAC entity. |
roles | [string] | The semantic roles of the entity, e.g. for assets, links, providers, bands, etc. |
Fields to provide additional temporal information such as ranges with a start and an end datetime stamp.
Field Name | Type | Description |
datetime | string|null | See the Item Specification Fields for more information. |
created | string | Creation date and time of the corresponding STAC entity or Asset (see below), in UTC. |
updated | string | Date and time the corresponding STAC entity or Asset (see below) was updated last, in UTC. |
All timestamps MUST be formatted according to RFC 3339, section 5.6.
created and updated have different
meaning depending on where they are used. If those fields are available
in a Collection, in a Catalog (both top-level), or in a Item (in the
), the fields refer the metadata (e.g., when the
STAC metadata was created). Having those fields in the Assets or Links,
they refer to the actual data linked to (e.g., when the asset was
NOTE: There are more date and time related fields available in the Timestamps extension.
While a STAC entity (e.g. an Item) can have a nominal datetime describing the capture, these properties allow a STAC entity to have a range of capture dates and times. An example of this is the MODIS 16 day vegetation index product.
Important: Using one of the fields REQUIRES
inclusion of the other field as well to enable a user to search STAC
records by the provided times. So if you use start_datetime
you need to add end_datetime
and vice-versa. Both fields
are also REQUIRED if the datetime
field is set to
. The datetime property in a STAC Item and these fields
are not mutually exclusive.
Field Name | Type | Description |
start_datetime | string | The first or start date and time for the resource, in UTC. It is
formatted as date-time according to RFC 3339, section
5.6. |
end_datetime | string | The last or end date and time for the resource, in UTC. It is
formatted as date-time according to RFC 3339, section
5.6. |
and end_datetime
inclusive bounds, meaning that the range covers the entire time interval
between the two timestamps and the timestamps itself.
Information about the license(s) of the data, which is not necessarily the same license that applies to the metadata. Licensing information should be defined at the Collection level if possible.
Field Name | Type | Description |
license | string | License(s) of the data as SPDX License identifier, SPDX License
expression, or other (see below). |
license: License(s) of the data that the STAC entity provides.
The license(s) can be provided as:
if the license is not on
the SPDX license list. The strings various
are deprecated.If the license is not an SPDX license identifier,
links to the license texts SHOULD be added. The links MUST use the license
link relation
type. If there is no public license URL available, it is RECOMMENDED
to supplement the STAC Item with the license text in a separate file and
link to this file. If no link to a license is included and the
field is set to other
(or one of the
deprecated values), the data is private, and consumers have not been
granted any explicit right to use it.
Type | Description |
license | The license URL(s) for the resource SHOULD be specified if the
license field is not a SPDX license
identifier. |
Information about the organizations capturing, producing, processing, hosting or publishing this data. Provider information should be defined at the Collection level if possible.
Field Name | Type | Description |
providers | [Provider Object] | A list of providers, which may include all organizations capturing or processing the data or the hosting provider. Providers should be listed in chronological order with the most recent provider being the last element of the list. |
The object provides information about a provider. A provider is any of the organizations that captures or processes the content of the assets and therefore influences the data offered by the STAC implementation. May also include information about the final storage provider hosting the data.
Field Name | Type | Description |
name | string | REQUIRED. The name of the organization or the individual. |
description | string | Multi-line description to add further provider information such as processing details for processors and producers, hosting details for hosts or basic contact information. CommonMark 0.29 syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
roles | [string] | Roles of the provider. Any of licensor ,
producer , processor or host . |
url | string | Homepage on which the provider describes the dataset and publishes contact information. |
The provider’s role(s) can be one or more of the following elements:
field.Adds metadata specifying a platform and instrument used in a data
collection mission. These fields will often be combined with
domain-specific extensions that describe the actual data, such as the
or sar
Field Name | Type | Description |
platform | string | Unique name of the specific platform to which the instrument is attached. |
instruments | [string] | Name of instrument or sensor used (e.g., MODIS, ASTER, OLI, Canon F-1). |
constellation | string | Name of the constellation to which the platform belongs. |
mission | string | Name of the mission for which data is collected. |
gsd | number | Ground Sample Distance at the sensor, in meters (m), must be greater than 0. |
The unique name of the specific platform the instrument is attached
to. For satellites this would be the name of the satellite, whereas for
drones this would be a unique name for the drone. Examples include
(Landsat-8), sentinel-2a
(Sentinel-2), terra
(part of NASA EOS, carrying the MODIS instruments),
(hypothetical drone name), and
(Maxar/DigitalGlobe WorldView-2).
An array of all the sensors used in the creation of the data. For
example, data from the Landsat-8 platform is collected with the OLI
sensor as well as the TIRS sensor, but the data is distributed together
so would be specified as ['oli', 'tirs']
. Other instrument
examples include msi
(Sentinel-2), aster
(Terra), and modis
(Terra and Aqua), c-sar
(Sentinel-1) and asar
The name of a logical collection of one or more platforms that have
similar payloads and have their orbits arranged in a way to increase the
temporal resolution of acquisitions of data with similar geometric and
radiometric characteristics. This field allows users to search for
related data sets without the need to specify which specific platform
the data came from, for example, from either of the Sentinel-2
satellites. Examples include landsat-8
(Landsat-8, a
constellation consisting of a single platform), sentinel-2
(operated by Planet Labs), and modis
(NASA EOS satellites Aqua and Terra). In the case of modis
this is technically referring to a pair of sensors on two different
satellites, whose data is combined into a series of related products.
Additionally, the Aqua satellite is technically part of the A-Train
constellation and Terra is not part of a constellation, but these are
combined to form the logical collection referred to as MODIS.
The name of the mission or campaign for collecting data. This could be a discrete set of data collections over a period of time (such as collecting drone imagery), or could be a set of tasks of related tasks from a satellite data collection.
The nominal Ground Sample Distance for the data, as measured in
meters on the ground. There are many definitions of GSD. The value of
this field should be related to the spatial resolution at the sensor,
rather than the pixel size of images after orthorectification,
pansharpening, or scaling. The GSD of a sensor can vary depending on
geometry (off-nadir / grazing angle) and wavelength, so it is at the
discretion of the implementer to decide which value most accurately
represents the GSD. For example, Landsat8 optical and short-wave IR
bands are all 30 meters, but the panchromatic band is 15 meters. The
should be 30 meters in this case because that is the
nominal spatial resolution at the sensor. The Planet PlanetScope Ortho
Tile Product has an gsd
of 3.7 (or 4 if rounding), even
though the pixel size of the images is 3.125. For example, one might
choose for WorldView-2 the Multispectral 20° off-nadir value of 2.07 and
for WorldView-3 the Multispectral 20° off-nadir value of 1.38.
Field Name | Type | Description |
bands | [Band Object] | An array of available bands where each object is a Band Object. |
The bands
array is used to describe the available bands
in a STAC entity or Asset. This field describes the general construct of
a band or layer, which doesn’t necessarily need to be a spectral band.
By adding fields from extensions you can indicate that a band, for
example, is
Please refer to the Bands best practices for more details.
[!NOTE] This property is the successor of the
fields, which has been present in previous versions of these extensions. The behavior is very similar and they can be migrated easily. Usually, you can simply merge each object on a by-index basis. Nevertheless, you should consider deduplicating properties with the same values across all bands to the asset level (see the best practices). For some fields, you need to add the extension prefix of theeo
extension to the property name though. See the Band migration best practice for details.
Specifically defined for the Band Object is just a single property
, which serves as a unique identifier. You can add
additional fields from the common metadata such as a description
or the value-related properties.
Field Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the band (e.g., “B01”, “B8”, “band2”, “red”), which should be unique across all bands defined in the list of bands. This is typically the name the data provider uses for the band. |
description | string | Description to fully explain the band. CommonMark 0.29 syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. |
A Band Object must contain at least one property, which is not necessarily one of the properties defined here and can be a property from an extension or common metadata.
Adds metadata about the data values or measurement values contained
in the entity that is described by the object these fields get added to
(e.g., an asset or a band). These fields will often be combined with
extensions that group data values into a “unit” or “chunk”, e.g., a band
or layer in a file (raster
and eo
a column in a table (table
extension), or dimensions in a
datacube (datacube
Field Name | Type | Description |
nodata | number|string | Value used to identify no-data, see below. |
data_type | string | The data type of the values, see below. |
statistics | Statistics Object | Statistics of all the values. |
unit | string | Unit of measurement of the value, see below. |
The no-data value must be provided either as:
- NaN (not a number) as
defined in IEEE-754inf
- Positive Infinity-inf
- Negative InfinityIt is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to provide units in one of the following two formats:
Statistics usually specify the range of values by providing the
and maximum
values, but can optionally
be accompanied by additional statistical values. Some additional
statistical sizes are listed below, but the object can also be extended
with other statistical sizes that are not listed below. For example, it
could list additional coverages such as vegetation cover, land cover,
etc. If statistics are provided in the Item Properties (example), it is recommended to
list the statistical sizes with a JSON Schema in the Collection
Summaries to better describe the sizes (example). Please note that some
statistical sizes such as cloud cover have explicit fields in other
extensions such as the EO extension. It is recommended to use the fields
standardized in extensions in favor of providing them in the Statistics
Field Name | Type | Description |
minimum | number | minimum value of the values in the band. If not present, the minimum value of the given data type or negative infinity can be assumed. |
maximum | number | maximum value of the values in the band. If not present, the maximum value of the given data type or positive infinity can be assumed. |
mean | number | mean value of all the values in the band |
stddev | number | standard deviation value of the values in the band |
count | integer | Total number of all data values (>= 0) |
valid_percent | number | Percentage of valid (not nodata ) values (0-100) |
The data type gives information about the values. This can be used to
indicate the (maximum) range of numerical values expected. For example
indicates that the numbers are in a range between 0
and 255, they can never be smaller or larger. This can help to pick the
optimal numerical data type when reading the files to keep memory
consumption low. Nevertheless, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the
expected values fill the whole range. For example, there can be use
cases for uint8
that just use the numbers 0 to 10 for
example. Through the Statistics Object
it is possible to specify an exact value range so that visualizations
can be optimized. The allowed values for data_type
: 8-bit integerint16
: 16-bit integerint32
: 32-bit integerint64
: 64-bit integeruint8
: unsigned 8-bit integer (common for 8-bit RGB
: unsigned 16-bit integeruint32
: unsigned 32-bit integeruint64
: unsigned 64-bit integerfloat16
: 16-bit floatfloat32
: 32-bit floatfloat64
: 64-big floatcint16
: 16-bit complex integercint32
: 32-bit complex integercfloat32
: 32-bit complex floatcfloat64
: 64-bit complex floatother
: Other data type than the ones listed above
(e.g. boolean, string, higher precision numbers)One of the most important aspects of the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog specification is its extensibility. The core STAC specification defines only a minimal core, but is designed for extension. It is expected that most real-world implementations will use several ‘extensions’ to fully describe their data. This document describes how extensions work.
For a list of most available extensions see the STAC extensions overview page. Please note the extension maturity for each extension.
Extensions to the core STAC specification provide additional fields that can be used to better describe the data. Most tend to be about describing a particular domain or type of data, but some imply functionality.
Extensions include a JSON Schema precisely describing the structure, a natural language description of the fields, and thorough examples.
Anybody can create an extension for their data, and data providers often work together to share fields between them to create a shared community extension. See the section below on ‘Extending STAC’) for information on how to get started. Everyone is encouraged to add their extensions to the STAC extensions overview page, so others can be aware of it.
Each extension should have at least one owner. You can find extension owners in each extension’s README.
When deciding how to model data in STAC it is highly recommended to first look at the list of extensions and re-use fields there instead of creating your own version. This increases interoperability, as users know that the meaning of your fields is the same as in other STAC implementations. Many clients will also understand more mature extensions for better display and querying.
To incorporate an extension in STAC the ‘Identifier’ of the extension
must be added to the stac_extensions
array of the STAC Catalog, Collection
or Item object.
This identifier is a URL to the JSON Schema that allows to validate the
fields in the extension. These JSON Schema URLs also include the version
number of the extension. The ‘Identifier’ can usually be found in the
first lines of the README of any extension made with the extension
Generally, if an extension is implemented in a STAC file in a place
where the extension scope applies to, the extension identifier should be
added to the stac_extension
array. The scope of an
extension is usually explained in the README of an extension.
Implementing an extension by following the specified requirements
usually means including fields, but occasionally also means implementing
alternate behaviors.
There is no direct inheritance between children and parents though,
so if for example an Item implements an extension, but the Collection
doesn’t reflect the usage of the extension, the extension identifier
must only be added to the stac_extension
array in the Item,
but not to the Collection. If the Collection itself implements the
extension though or ‘summarizies’ a field in Collection Summaries or
Item Asset Definitions, the extension identifier should be added to the
of that object should
contain the extension Identifier.stac_extensions
of the Item or Collection which holds that
Asset should contain the extension identifier.stac_extensions
array of that Collection should list the
extension identifier. For example, if a Collection
field contains a summary of
, then that Collection should have the EO
extension JSON Schema URL in the stac_extensions
for that object. For example, if a Collection implements the item_assets
extension, and in the item_assets
field there is an Asset
Definition which includes proj:wkt2
, then the Projection
extension identifier should be listed in that Collection’s
.Everyone is welcome to contribute extensions to the STAC ecosystem. The center of activity for these is the stac-extensions GitHub organization, which has a number of extension repositories. Some of these, especially the stable extensions, are observed by the STAC PSC. The community can also host STAC extensions in other places, but we encourage the community to at least list them in the STAC extensions overview page so that everyone can be aware of all extensions at any time and a high level of interoperability is possible.
Beyond the community extensions there have been a number of extensions that people have proposed to the STAC community. These can be found in the STAC Issue Tracker under the new extension label. These are ideas that others would likely use and potentially collaborate on. Anyone is free to add new ideas there, and see the section below on proposing new extensions for the workflow to advance ideas into full-fledged community extensions.
There are many extensions being built with STAC, but they have varying degrees of maturity. All community extensions listed here included must include a maturity classification, so that STAC spec users can easily get a sense of how much they can count on the extension.
Maturity Classification | Min Impl # | Description | Stability |
Proposal | 0 | An idea put forward by a community member to gather feedback | Not stable - breaking changes almost guaranteed as implementers try out the idea. |
Pilot | 1 | Idea is fleshed out, with examples and a JSON schema, and implemented in one or more catalogs. Additional implementations encouraged to help give feedback | Approaching stability - breaking changes are not anticipated but can easily come from additional feedback. |
Candidate | 3 | A number of implementers are using it and are standing behind it as a solid extension. User can generally count on an extension at this maturity level. | Mostly stable, breaking changes require a new version and minor changes are unlikely. The extension has a code owner, designated in its README. |
Stable | 6 | Highest current level of maturity. The community of extension maintainers commits to a STAC review process for any changes, which are not made lightly. | Completely stable, all changes require a new version number and review process. |
Deprecated | N/A | A previous extension that has likely been superseded by a newer one or did not work out for some reason. | DO NOT USE, is not supported |
Maturity mostly comes through diverse implementations, so the minimum number of implementations column is the main gating function for an extension to mature. But extension authors can also choose to hold back the maturity advancement if they don’t feel they are yet ready to commit to the less breaking changes of the next level.
Anyone is welcome to extend STAC and evolve the additions into a full STAC extension with a README, JSON Schema and examples. There are several types of extensions, some just add additional fields, some change the behavior of STAC and some introduce completely new functionality. New extensions should try to align with existing extensions as well as possible and may even re-use fields and their definitions until they may get split into a new extension that combines commonly used fields across multiple extensions.
Creating a new extension usually involves defining a set of logically grouped fields, and specifying what the allowed values for those fields are. This should be done in the extension text (README) and in JSON Schema, to provide validation. While one can theoretically add fields anywhere in JSON there are some conventions as to where to add them in STAC objects.
attribute may be used in Item Properties to describe
the best GSD available in the Item Asset objects contained in the Item,
but may also be used in an individual Item Asset to describe only the
specific GSD of that asset.Extensions can be hosted anywhere, but should use the extension template as a starting point. If you’d like to add a repository to the stac-extensions GitHub organization, just ask on Gitter! This is fine for work-in-progress extensions. You can also host the extension repository in your own GitHub account, and optionally transfer it to the stac-extensions organization later.
For new extensions that require community discussion, we recommend the following workflow:
A STAC Item can combine schema information from several different sources - the core STAC Item information, an earth observation community extension, and a vendor specific provider. It can be difficult to distinguish exactly where each definition came from, and to pull out the most relevant information, especially when vendors often will dump in all the metadata they have in to the STAC definition.
So one idea is to have prefixes to differentiate specific vendors
(like dg:
for DigitalGlobe), and for communities of
practice (like eo:
for Electro-Optical). These wouldn’t be
full namespacing, though an extension for like JSON-LD could potentially
evolve to make fully resolved namespacing an option.
An example of this can be seen in a Landsat example:
"properties": {
"view:off_nadir": -0.001,
"eo:cloud_cover": 10.31,
"view:sun_azimuth": 149.01607154,
"view:sun_elevation": 59.21424700,
"gsd": 30,
"l8:data_type": "L1T",
"l8:wrs_path": 153,
"l8:wrs_row": 25,
"l8:earth_sun_distance": 1.0141560,
"l8:ground_control_points_verify": 114,
"l8:geometric_rmse_model": 7.562,
"l8:image_quality_tirs": 9,
"l8:ground_control_points_model": 313,
"l8:geometric_rmse_model_x": 5.96,
"l8:geometric_rmse_model_y": 4.654,
"l8:geometric_rmse_verify": 5.364,
"l8:image_quality_oli": 9
For extensions, it is recommended to
For example, if one would like to define an extension to contain a start and a end date, there are multiple options (tl;dr: option 3 is recommended):
"date_range": {"start": "2018-01-01", "end": "2018-01-31"}
This is discouraged as it is more complex to search in
objects."date_range": ["2018-01-01", "2018-01-31"]
. This is
discouraged as it would conflict with Collection
, which always considers arrays as true
(potentially sorted) enumeration without any additional meaning."date_range_start": "2018-01-01", "date_range_end": "2018-01-31"
This is recommended as it avoids the conflicts above
and is usually better displayed in software that only understands
GeoJSON but has no clue about STAC. This is due to the fact that most
legacy software can not display arrays or objects GeoJSON
properly.This rules only applies to the fields defined directly for the Item’s
. For fields and structures defined on other
levels (e.g. in the root of an Item or in an array), extension authors
can freely define the structure. So an array of objects such as the
are fine to use, but keep in mind that the drawbacks
mentioned above usually still apply.