Open Geospatial Consortium

Submission Date: <yyyy-mm-dd>

Approval Date:  <yyyy-mm-dd>

Publication Date:  <yyyy-mm-dd>

External identifier of this OGC® document:

Internal reference number of this OGC® document:    20-002r1

Version: 1.0.0-draft.2

Latest Published Draft: n/a

Category: OGC® Implementation Standard

Editors: Panagiotis (Peter) A. Vretanos, Clemens Portele

OGC API - Features - Part 4: Create, Replace, Update and Delete

Copyright notice

Copyright © 2024 Open Geospatial Consortium

To obtain additional rights of use, visit


This document is not an OGC Standard. This document is distributed for review and comment. This document is subject to change without notice and may not be referred to as an OGC Standard.

Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Document type:    OGC® Standard

Document subtype:    Interface

Document stage:    Draft

Document language:  English

License Agreement

Permission is hereby granted by the Open Geospatial Consortium, ("Licensor"), free of charge and subject to the terms set forth below, to any person obtaining a copy of this Intellectual Property and any associated documentation, to deal in the Intellectual Property without restriction (except as set forth below), including without limitation the rights to implement, use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sublicense copies of the Intellectual Property, and to permit persons to whom the Intellectual Property is furnished to do so, provided that all copyright notices on the intellectual property are retained intact and that each person to whom the Intellectual Property is furnished agrees to the terms of this Agreement.

If you modify the Intellectual Property, all copies of the modified Intellectual Property must include, in addition to the above copyright notice, a notice that the Intellectual Property includes modifications that have not been approved or adopted by LICENSOR.



This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time by destroying the Intellectual Property together with all copies in any form. The license will also terminate if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement. Except as provided in the following sentence, no such termination of this license shall require the termination of any third party end-user sublicense to the Intellectual Property which is in force as of the date of notice of such termination. In addition, should the Intellectual Property, or the operation of the Intellectual Property, infringe, or in LICENSOR’s sole opinion be likely to infringe, any patent, copyright, trademark or other right of a third party, you agree that LICENSOR, in its sole discretion, may terminate this license without any compensation or liability to you, your licensees or any other party. You agree upon termination of any kind to destroy or cause to be destroyed the Intellectual Property together with all copies in any form, whether held by you or by any third party.

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Table of Contents

i. Abstract

OGC API standards define modular API building blocks to spatially enable Web APIs in a consistent way. The OpenAPI specification is used to define the API building blocks.

OGC API - Features - Part 4: Create, Replace, Update and Delete Standard (hereafter also referred to as "this Standard" or "this document") defines the behavior of an API that allows resource instances to be added, replaced, modified and/or removed for a collection.

This Standard was developed in the Features API SWG but is being written as a generic extension that is applicable to a variety of resource types including features. The feature-specific portions of this extension are isolated to the clause titled Features. It is anticipated that the bulk of this extension will eventually be moved into 'OGC API - Common' and only the feature-specific content will remain to be managed by the Features API SWG.

ii. Keywords

The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogues.

OGC API resource feature collection instance spatial data openapi transactions insert update delete add modify remove REST PUT POST DELETE PATCH

iii. Preface

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The Open Geospatial Consortium Inc. shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

Recipients of this document are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that might be infringed by any implementation of the standard set forth in this document, and to provide supporting documentation.

iv. Submitting organizations

The following organizations submitted this document to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC):

  • CubeWerx Inc.

  • interactive instruments GmbH

v. Submitters

All questions regarding this submission should be directed to the editors or the submitters:



Clemens Portele (editor)

interactive instruments GmbH

Panagiotis (Peter) A. Vretanos (editor)

CubeWerx Inc.

1. Scope

This Standard specifies an extension that defines the behavior of a server that supports operations to add, replace, modify or delete individual resources from a collection.

Additional OGC Standards are planned to handle transactions that require batch or atomicity semantics.

Specifically, this Standard specifies:

  • How to add a new resource instance to a collection (i.e. create).

  • How to modify an existing resource from a collection: This includes entirely replacing the existing resource (i.e. replace) or simply modifying one or more properties of a resource (i.e. update).

  • How to remove an existing resource from a collection (i.e. delete).

The following table crosswalks each of the resource endpoints discussed in this Standard with the HTTP methods POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE. Each intersecting cell in the table either contains the name of the operation for that combination of resource endpoint and HTTP method or it contains the phrase "n/a" which is used to indicate that this Standard does not specify any behavior for that combination of resource endpoint and HTTP method.

Table 1. Supported HTTP methods by resource
Resource endpoint HTTP method












replace, create



The option to create a new resource with PUT is conditional and depends on the characteristics of the collection.

2. Conformance

This Standard defines five requirements / conformance classes:

The standardization target type is "Web APIs".

The URIs of the associated conformance classes are:

Table 2. Conformance class URIs
Conformance class URI



Optimistic Locking using Timestamps

Optimistic Locking using ETags


Conformance with this Standard shall be checked using all the relevant tests specified in Annex A of this document. The framework, concepts, and methodology for testing, and the criteria to be achieved to claim conformance are specified in the OGC Compliance Testing Policies and Procedures and the OGC Compliance Testing web site.

3. References

The following normative documents contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.

4. Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms

4.1. Terms and Definitions

This document uses the terms defined in Sub-clause 5.3 of [OGC 06-121r9], which is based on the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. In particular, the word “shall” (not “must”) is the verb form used to indicate a requirement to be strictly followed to conform to this Standard.

For the purposes of this document, the following additional terms, definitions and abbreviated terms apply in addition to those defined in OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core.

4.1.1. endpoint

a web address (URI) at which access can be gained to a service or resource [from OGC API - Features - Part 3: Filtering and the Common Query Language (CQL2]

4.1.2. resources endpoint

endpoint of the set of resource instances from a collection

EXAMPLE 1: For features or records, the endpoint is {landingPageUri}/collections/{collectionId}/items.

EXAMPLE 2: For processes, the endpoint is {landingPageUri}/processes.

4.1.3. resource endpoint

endpoint of a specific instance of a resource from a collection

EXAMPLE 1: For features, the endpoint is {landingPageUri}/collections/{collectionId}/items/{featureId}.

EXAMPLE 2: For processes, the endpoint is {landingPageUri}/processes/{processId}.

4.1.4. optimistic locking

locking protocol that resolves change conflicts at the very last moment

This is accomplished by a server providing HTTP validator fields describing the state of a resource and evualting preconditions submitted by clients about the current state of a resource that the client wants to change. See RFC 9110 (HTTP Semantics), section 8.8. If the validator in a client request does not match the state of the resource on the server, the operation fails and the client must re-fetch the resource and retry the update operation based on the new state.

5. Conventions and background

5.1. General remarks

See OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core, Clauses 5 and 6.

5.2. Identifiers

The normative provisions in this Standard are denoted by the URI

All requirements and conformance tests that appear in this Standard are denoted by partial URIs which are relative to this base.

5.3. Sequence diagrams

This Standard uses sequence diagrams to illustrate the flow of requests and responses between client and server.

The token <resources endpoint> is used for an endpoint that accesses resources from a collection.

EXAMPLE 1: For features, these endpoints are described by the URI template {landingPageUri}/collections/{collectionId}/items. See OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core.

EXAMPLE 2: For processes, these endpoints are described by the URI template {landingPageUri}/process. See OGC API - Processes - Part 1: Core.

The token <resource endpoint> is used for the endpoint that accesses a specific resource from a collection.

EXAMPLE 3: For features, these endpoints are described by the URI template {landingPageUri}/collections/{collectionId}/items/{featureId}. See OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core.

EXAMPLE 4: For processes, these endpoints are described by the URI template {landingPageUri}/process/{processId}. See OGC API - Processes - Part 1: Core.

5.4. Dependencies to other requirements classes

The requirements classes in this extension distinguish two types of dependencies to other Standards or requirements classes:

First, there are the "direct dependencies". Every server implementing the requirements class has to conform to the referenced Standard or requirements class.

In addition, requirements classes can also have "indirect dependencies". Servers implementing the requirements class do not have to conform to the referenced Standard or requirements class, but if they do, they have to conform to the requirements that identify the indirect dependency as a pre-condition for the normative statement.

6. Requirements Class "Create/Replace/Delete"

6.1. Overview

Requirements Class

Target type



RFC 9110 (HTTP Semantics)

A server that implements this requirements class provides the ability to add, replace and/or remove individual resources from a collection. Not all operations need to be implemented for all offered mutable resources.

The HTTP POST method is used to add a new resource instance to a collection. The resource identifier is assigned by the server.

The HTTP PUT method is used to replace an existing resource in a collection with a replacement resource with the same resource identifier.

If the HTTP PUT method is executed on a non-existing resource in a collection, the server can add a new resource instance to a collection, if the collection supports that resource identifiers can be assigned by the client.

Finally, the HTTP DELETE method is used to remove a resource from a collection.

Adding or replacing a resource requires that a representation of that resource be provided by the client. This Standard does not mandate that a specific resource encoding be supported by a server.

The use of the HTTP PATCH method is not defined in this requirements class. The Update requirements class defines the use of the HTTP PATCH method.
In order to promote interoperability, each OGC Standard that extends this Standard should make recommendations concerning the representation of resources. See Features for a discussion of feature representations.

Requirement 1



A server SHALL implement one or more of the methods HTTP POST, PUT and/or DELETE for each mutable resource.


A server SHALL declare which methods are supported for each resource via the HTTP OPTIONS method.

Note that the POST, PUT and/or DELETE methods will typically only be available for authorized users with sufficient permissions. The methods available to a user are available via the OPTIONS method for each resource.

6.1.1. HTTP status codes

API clients should be prepared to handle any registered HTTP or HTTPS status code.

The Status Codes listed in Table 3 are of relevance to implementors of this Standard. Status codes 200, 201, 202, 204 and 404 are called out in this Standard’s requirements. Therefore, support for some of these status codes is mandatory for all compliant implementations. The remainder of the status codes in Table 3 are not mandatory but are important for the implementation of a well-functioning API. Support for these status codes is strongly encouraged for both client and server implementations.

Table 3. Typical HTTP status codes
Status code Description


A successful request.


The server has been fulfilled the operation and a new resource has been created.


The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. The request might or might not eventually be acted upon, as it might be disallowed when processing happens.


A successful request with no additional content to send in the response.


The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error. For example, a query parameter had an incorrect value.


The request requires user authentication. The response includes a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource.


The server understood the request but is refusing to fulfill it. While status code 401 indicates missing or bad authentication, status code 403 indicates that authentication is not the issue, but the client is not authorized to perform the requested operation on the resource.


The requested resource does not exist on the server. For example, a path parameter had an incorrect value.


The request method is not supported. For example, a POST request was submitted, but the resource only supports GET requests.


Content negotiation failed. For example, the Accept header submitted in the request did not support any of the media types supported by the server for the requested resource.


The status code indicates that one or more conditions given in the request header fields evaluated to false when tested by the server.


The server is refusing to process the request because the request content is larger than the server is willing or able to process.


The server is refusing to service the request because the content is in a format not supported by this method on the target resource.


The server understands the content type of the request content and the syntax of the request content is correct but was unable to process the contained instructions. For example, the submitted resource does not meet a semantic constraint, e.g. a mandatory property is missing.


The server requires the request to be conditional.


An internal error occurred in the server.

More specific guidance is provided for each resource, where applicable.

Permission 1



Servers may support other capabilities of the HTTP protocol and therefore may return other status codes than those listed in Table 3.

The API Description Document describes the HTTP status codes generated by an API. This should not be an exhaustive list of all possible status codes. Expecting an API designer to control the use of HTTP status codes which are not generated by their software is not reasonable. Therefore, it is recommended that the API Description Document limit itself to describing HTTP status codes relevant to the proper operation of the API application logic. Client implementations should be prepared to receive HTTP status codes in addition to those described in the API Description Document.

6.1.2. Cross-origin requests

See OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core, section Support for cross-origin requests, about the importance of supporting cross-origin requests, typically via Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).

6.1.3. Schemas

This Standard makes no assumptions about any schema constraints that a server may impose upon incoming feature data. The intent is to support both "schema-less" servers (such as those back-ended by document data stores) as well as servers that have underlying schema constraints (such as those back-ended by an RDBMS).

In the "schema-less" case, as long as the incoming feature meets the requirements of the declared media type (e.g. a valid GeoJSON feature) then the resource should be created/updated with a 20x status response.

In the case where the server imposes schema constraints, the server should publish schemas to help clients create requests that are not rejected. As recommended in clause Feature schemas, schemas can be obtained from the {landingPageUri}/collections/{collectionId}/schema endpoint.

6.2. Adding a new resource to a collection (CREATE)

6.2.1. Sequence diagram

The following diagram illustrates the sequence diagram for adding a new resource to a collection.

   Client                                                          Server
     |                                                               |
     |   POST <resources endpoint>   HTTP/1.1                        |
     |   Content-Type: <media type of resource representation>       |
     |                                                               |
     |   ... Body contains representation of the resource ...        |
     |                                                               |
     |   HTTP/1.1 201 Created                                        |
     |   Location: <resource endpoint>                               |

6.2.2. Operation

Requirement 2



Server declares support for the POST method on the resources endpoint via the Allow header in the response to an OPTIONS request.


The server SHALL support the HTTP POST operation at the resources endpoint.

6.2.3. Request body Overview

Requirement 3



The body of a POST request SHALL contain a representation of the resource to be added to the specified collection.

Permission 2



A server MAY support any resource encoding in the body of a HTTP POST operation.

Requirement 4



A Content-Type header SHALL be used to declare the media type of the request body containing a representation of the resource to be added.

See section 8.3 of RFC 9110 for details.

6.2.4. Response

Requirement 5



If the operation completes successfully, the server SHALL assign a new, unique identifier within the collection for the newly added resource.

Permission 3



If the representation of the resource submitted in the request body contained a resource identifier, the server MAY use this identifier as the new resource identifier in the collection or the server MAY ignore the value and assign its own identifier for the resource.

Requirement 6



A successful execution of the operation SHALL be reported as a response with a HTTP status code 201.


A response with HTTP status code 201 SHALL include a Location header with the URI of the newly added resource (i.e. path of the resource endpoint).


If the operation is not executed immediately, but is added to a processing queue, the response SHALL have a HTTP status code 202.

If the server will process the create request later, it will return a 202. In this case, the resource creation can succeed or fail, without further notification to the client about the result or the resource identifier.

6.2.5. Exceptions

6.2.6. Example

The following example adds a new feature to the oakland_buildings collection. The feature is represented as GeoJSON using the default CRS of (WGS 84 longitude/latitude). A pseudo-sequence diagram notation is used to illustrate the details of the HTTP communication between the client and the server.

Create a New Feature Example
   Client                                                              Server
     |                                                                   |
     | POST /collections/oakland_buildings/items   HTTP/1.1              |
     | Content-Type: application/geo+json                                |
     |                                                                   |
     | {                                                                 |
     |   "type": "Feature",                                              |
     |   "geometry": {                                                   |
     |     "type": "MultiPolygon",                                       |
     |     "coordinates": [                                              |
     |     [[[-122.2694982,37.79045922],[ -122.2693624, 37.79041125],    |
     |      [-122.2693518,37.79042521],[ -122.26899, 37.7902858],        |
     |      [-122.2690027,37.79027181],[ -122.2688602, 37.79021705],     |
     |      [-122.2687222,37.790445],[-122.2688582, 37.79049813],        |
     |      [-122.2689084,37.79041634],[ -122.2689473, 37.79041058],     |
     |      [-122.2691974,37.79051029],[ -122.2692367, 37.7906097],      |
     |      [-122.2692201,37.79064271],[ -122.2693538, 37.79069243],     |
     |      [-122.2694982,37.79045922]]]]                                |
     |   },                                                              |
     |   "properties": {                                                 |
     |     "shape_len": 666.635209546,                                   |
     |     "shape_area": 14016.0452102,                                  |
     |     "bldgid3": "11 EMBARCADERO WEST_bldgG102",                    |
     |     "bldgid2": "11 EMBARCADERO WEST",                             |
     |     "bldgtype": "Commercial Building",                            |
     |     "final_apn": "000O042502000",                                 |
     |     "apnid": 21,                                                  |
     |     "nostory": 2,                                                 |
     |     "bldgnum": "bldgG102",                                        |
     |     "numbldgs": 1,                                                |
     |     "comname": "Portobello Office"                                |
     |   }                                                               |
     | }                                                                 |
     |                                                                   |
     | HTTP/1.1 201 Created                                              |
     | Location: /collections/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2               |

6.3. Replacing an existing resource (REPLACE)

6.3.1. Sequence diagram

The following diagram illustrates the sequence diagram for replacing the content of an existing resource in a collection. The identifier of the resource does not change.

The new content replaces the old content of the resource. Version control is not discussed in this Standard.
   Client                                                            Server
     |                                                                 |
     |   PUT <resource endpoint>   HTTP/1.1                            |
     |   Content-Type: <media type of updated resource representation> |
     |                                                                 |
     |   ... Body contains representation of new resource content ...  |
     |                                                                 |
     |   HTTP/1.1 204 OK                                               |

6.3.2. Operation

Requirement 7



Server declares support for the PUT method on the resources endpoint via the Allow header in the response to an OPTIONS request.


For every resource in the collection, the server SHALL support the HTTP PUT operation.

Permission 4



A server MAY support the PUT method on a non-existing resource.

In case PUT on a non-existing resource is supported, such a request can create a new resource with the resourceId specified in the URI of the resource endpoint.

To ensure that an update request is not treated as an insert, the client MAY specify an If-Match header in the update request. The service MUST NOT treat an update request containing an If-Match header as an insert.

6.3.3. Request body

6.3.4. Overview

Requirement 8



The body of the PUT request SHALL contain a representation of the new resource content.

Permission 5



A server MAY support any resource encoding in the body of a HTTP PUT operation.

Requirement 9



The Content-Type header SHALL be used to indicate the media type of the request body containing the representation of the new resource content.

See section 8.3 of RFC 9110 for details.

6.3.5. Response

Requirement 10



A successful execution of the operation SHALL be reported as a response with a HTTP status code 200 or 204.


If the operation is not executed immediately, but is added to a processing queue, the response SHALL have a HTTP status code 202.

The status code depends on the server. If the server has updated the resource, the response is either 200 if the response includes additional content, or 204 if the response has no additional content.

If the server will process the update request later, the server will return a 202. In this case, the processing can succeed or fail, without further notification to the client.

Requirement 11



If the representation of the resource submitted in the request body contained a resource identifier, the server SHALL ignore this identifier.

6.3.6. Exceptions

If the server does not support the PUT method on non-existing resources, the assignment of resource identifiers is the purview of the server and as a result, clients cannot use the HTTP PUT operation to create a new resource. In this case, the creation of new resource instances has be performed using the HTTP POST operation as described in Adding a new resource to a collection (CREATE).

Requirement 12



If the target resource does not exist and the server does not support creating new resources using PUT, the server SHALL indicate an unsuccessful execution of the operation with a HTTP status code 404.


If the request includes an If-Match header and the resource does not exist, the server SHALL not create a new resource and indicate an unsuccessful execution of the operation with a HTTP status code 412.

See also HTTP status codes.

6.3.7. Example

The following example replaces the feature created by the Create Example with a new feature. Once again, the replacement feature is represented as GeoJSON using the default CRS of (WGS 84 longitude/latitude). A pseudo-sequence diagram notation is used to illustrate the details of the HTTP communication between the client and the server.

Replace an Existing Feature Example
   Client                                                              Server
     |                                                                   |
     | PUT /collections/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2   HTTP/1.1          |
     | Content-Type: application/geo+json                                |
     |                                                                   |
     | {                                                                 |
     |   "type": "Feature",                                              |
     |   "id": "OB.2",                                                   |
     |   "geometry": {                                                   |
     |     "type": "MultiPolygon",                                       |
     |     "coordinates": [                                              |
     |       [[[-122.2678831,37.80088484],[-122.2679268,37.80090136],    |
     |         [-122.2680801,37.80065184],[-122.2677726,37.8005301 ],    |
     |         [-122.2676158,37.80078035],[-122.2678831,37.80088484]]]   |
     |     ]                                                             |
     |   },                                                              |
     |   "properties": {                                                 |
     |     "shape_len": 402.19805753,                                    |
     |     "shape_area": 10117.0666708,                                  |
     |     "bldgid3": "258 11TH ST_bldg1",                               |
     |     "bldgid2": "258 11TH ST",                                     |
     |     "bldgtype": "Store Building",                                 |
     |     "final_apn": "002 006901000",                                 |
     |     "apnid": 847,                                                 |
     |     "nostory": 1,                                                 |
     |     "bldgnum": "bldg1",                                           |
     |     "numbldgs": 1,                                                |
     |     "comname": "John Sardell & Sons"                              |
     |   }                                                               |
     | }                                                                 |
     |                                                                   |
     | HTTP/1.1 204 OK                                                   |

6.4. Removing a resource from a collection (DELETE)

6.4.1. Sequence diagram

The following diagram illustrates the sequence diagram for removing a resource from a collection.

   Client                                                          Server
     |                                                               |
     |   DELETE <resource endpoint>   HTTP/1.1                       |
     |                                                               |
     |   HTTP/1.1 204 OK                                             |

6.4.2. Operation

Requirement 13



Server declares support for the DELETE method on the resources endpoint via the Allow header in the response to an OPTIONS request.


For every resource in the collection, the server SHALL support the HTTP DELETE operation.

6.4.3. Response

Requirement 14



A successful execution of the operation SHALL be reported as a response with a HTTP status code 200 or 204.


If the operation is not executed immediately, but is added to a processing queue, the response SHALL have a HTTP status code 202.

If the server will process the update request later, it will return a 202. In this case, the processing can succeed or fail, without further notification to the client.

6.4.4. Exceptions

Recommendation 1



If no resource with the identifier exists in the collection, the response SHOULD be 404 (not found).

6.4.5. Example

The following example deletes the feature created by the Create Example and replaced with a new feature in the Replace Example. A pseudo-sequence diagram notation is used to illustrate the details of the HTTP communication between the client and the server.

Delete an Existing Feature Example
   Client                                                              Server
     |                                                                     |
     | DELETE /collections/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2   HTTP/1.1         |
     |                                                                     |
     | HTTP/1.1 204 OK                                                     |

6.5. Determining available methods at an endpoint (OPTIONS)

6.5.1. Overview

A server is not required to implement every method described in this Standard (i.e. POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE) for every mutable resource that it offers. Furthermore, a server that supports the ability to add, modify or remove resources from collections is not likely to be an open server. That is, access to the server, and specifically the operations that allow resource creation, modification and/or removal, will be controlled. Such controls might, for example, take the form of policy requirements (e.g. resources on this server can be inserted or updated but not deleted) or user access control requirements (e.g. user "X" is only allowed to create resources but not update or delete resources). Regardless of the controls the server must be able to advertise, within the control context in place, which methods are available for each resource that it offers. This is accomplished using the HTTP OPTIONS method.

The HTTP OPTIONS method allows the server to explicitly declare which HTTP methods are supported for a particular resource(s) endpoint. This Standard deals with the HTTP POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE methods but any relevant HTTP method may be listed for a particular resource.

6.5.2. Sequence diagram

The following sequence diagram illustrates requesting the options available at a resource endpoint.

   Client                                                          Server
     |                                                               |
     |   OPTIONS <resource endpoint>   HTTP/1.1                      |
     |                                                               |
     |   HTTP/1.1 200 OK                                             |
     |   Allow: <list of relevant HTTP methods>                      |

6.5.3. Operation

Requirement 15



The server SHALL support the HTTP OPTIONS operation at each resource endpoint.

6.5.4. Request body

Permission 6



Content MAY be included in the body of the HTTP OPTIONS operation. The format for such a body is not defined in this Standard.


Servers MAY discard the request body.

6.5.5. Response

Requirement 16



A successful execution of the operation SHALL be reported as a response with a HTTP status code 200.


A response with HTTP status code 200 SHALL include an Allow header.


The value of the Allow header SHALL be the list of methods that are allowed for the resource at the time and within the context of the request.

Permission 7



Although this Standard only deals with the HTTP POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE methods, any other relevant HTTP method MAY be specified as the value of the Allow header in response to the HTTP OPTIONS method (e.g. GET, HEAD).

Permission 8



The response body on an HTTP OPTIONS operation MAY include content but the format for such a body is not defined in this Standard.

6.5.6. Exceptions

6.5.7. Examples

The following example illustrates how to get the supported HTTP methods for specific feature resources. A pseudo-sequence diagram notation is used to illustrate the details of the HTTP communication between the client and the server.

Get the OPTIONS available at the "items" endpoint.
   Client                                                              Server
     |                                                                   |
     | OPTIONS /collections/oakland_buildings/items   HTTP/1.1           |
     |                                                                   |
     | HTTP/1.1 200 OK                                                   |
     | Allow: GET, HEAD, POST                                            |
Get the OPTIONS available for a specific feature.
   Client                                                              Server
     |                                                                   |
     | OPTIONS /collections/oakland_buildings/items/B1013   HTTP/1.1     |
     |                                                                   |
     | HTTP/1.1 200 OK                                                   |
     | Allow: GET, HEAD, PUT, PATCH, DELETE                              |

7. Requirements Class "Update"

7.1. Overview

Requirements Class

Target type



RFC 5789 (PATCH Method for HTTP)

A server that implements this requirements class provides the ability to use the HTTP PATCH method to modify parts of an existing resource without the need to transmit a complete replacement resource.

Modifying parts of a resource requires that a document describing the changes to be applied be provided by the client. This Standard does not mandate that a specific encoding for this document be supported by a server.

Requirement 17



A server SHALL declare support for the HTTP PATCH method via the HTTP OPTIONS method.

7.2. Modifying an existing resource (UPDATE)

7.2.1. Sequence diagram

The following diagram illustrates the sequence diagram for modifying part of an existing resource by only specifying the specific parts that should be updated.

   Client                                                          Server
     |                                                               |
     |   PATCH <resource endpoint>   HTTP/1.1                        |
     |   Content-Type: <media type of body>                          |
     |                                                               |
     |   ... Body contains a document describing the changes to make |
     |       to parts of the specified resource ...                  |
     |                                                               |
     |   HTTP/1.1 204 OK                                             |

7.2.2. Operation

Requirement 18



For every resource in a collection, the server SHALL support the HTTP PATCH operation.

7.2.3. Request body

Requirement 19



The request body SHALL contain a document describing the specific parts of the target resource that should be modified by the operation.

Details how a PATCH request body must be processed by a server depends on the resource representation and must be specified for each resource type and its representations.

7.2.4. Response

Requirement 20



A successful execution of the operation SHALL be reported as a response with a HTTP status code 200 or 204.


If the operation is not executed immediately, but is added to a processing queue, the response SHALL have a HTTP status code 202.

The status code depends on the server. If the server has updated the resource, the response is either 200, if the response includes additional content such as the updated representation of the resource, or 204, if the response has no additional content.

If the server will process the update request later, it will return a 202. In this case, the processing can succeed or fail, without further notification to the client.

Requirement 21



If the representation of the updated resource submitted in the request body contained a resource identifier, the server SHALL ignore this identifier.

7.2.5. Exceptions

7.2.6. Example

The following example updates two properties (geom, the geometry, and apnid) and adds a new property named primary_material to the feature created by the Replace Example.

The example uses a JSON Merge Patch document to describe the changes to be made. The replacement geometry is specified using the default CRS of (WGS 84 longitude/latitude). The server responds to the operation by presenting the updated feature, formatted as GeoJSON, in the response body.

Update a Portion of an Existing Feature Example
   Client                                                              Server
     |                                                                     |
     | PATCH /collections/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2   HTTP/1.1          |
     | Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json                          |
     |                                                                     |
     | {                                                                   |
     |    "apnid": 1310,                                                   |
     |    "primary_material": "red brick",                                 |
     |    "geom": {                                                        |
     |       "coordinates": [                                              |
     |         [[[-122.2679,37.8009],[-122.2679,37.8009],                  |
     |           [-122.2681,37.8007],[-122.2678,37.8005],                  |
     |           [-122.2676,37.8008],[-122.2679,37.8009]]]                 |
     |       ]                                                             |
     |    }                                                                |
     | }                                                                   |
     |                                                                     |
     | HTTP/1.1 200 OK                                                     |
     | Content-Type: application/geo+json                                  |
     |                                                                     |
     | {                                                                   |
     |   "type": "Feature",                                                |
     |   "id": "OB.2",                                                     |
     |   "geometry": {                                                     |
     |     "type": "MultiPolygon",                                         |
     |     "coordinates": [                                                |
     |       [[[-122.2679,37.8009],[-122.2679,37.8009],                    |
     |         [-122.2681,37.8007],[-122.2678,37.8005],                    |
     |         [-122.2676,37.8008],[-122.2679,37.8009]]]                   |
     |     ]                                                               |
     |   },                                                                |
     |   "properties": {                                                   |
     |     "shape_len": 402.19805753,                                      |
     |     "shape_area": 10117.0666708,                                    |
     |     "bldgid3": "258 11TH ST_bldg1",                                 |
     |     "bldgid2": "258 11TH ST",                                       |
     |     "bldgtype": "Store Building",                                   |
     |     "final_apn": "002 006901000",                                   |
     |     "apnid": 1310,                                                  |
     |     "nostory": 1,                                                   |
     |     "bldgnum": "bldg1",                                             |
     |     "numbldgs": 1,                                                  |
     |     "comname": "John Sardell & Sons",                               |
     |     "primary_material": "red brick"                                 |
     |   }                                                                 |
     | }                                                                   |

7.3. Adding and removing resources properties

In addition to modifying the value of existing resource properties, modifying a resource can also include adding and removing properties from the structure of a resource. For servers that are "schema-less" such mutations do not present a problem. However, for servers that include schema constraints, such mutations may result in exception conditions. In order to mitigate this possibility, the following recommendation is made:

Recommendation 2


If a server imposes schema constraints on resources that if offers then it SHOULD publish a schema as described in OGC API - Features - Part 5: Schemas.

If a server publishes a schema, update requests presented to the server should endeavor to honor the published schema.

8. Requirements Class "Optimistic Locking"

8.1. Overview

This clause specifies conformance classes that define optimistic locking mechanisms to support concurrent updates of resources.

In an environment where several clients are operating on the same resource, each client’s understanding of a resource’s state may differ from the other’s and from the server. Without some mechanism for synchronizing each client’s understanding of a resource’s state with the server, changes requested by a client that has an out-of-date understanding of the resource’s state may have undesirable effects. For example, the following sequence diagram illustrates a concurrent race condition where one client’s updates are silently lost.

The request and response payloads are intentionally omitted in the example to highlight the HTTP header interactions between the server and the clients.
Some names in this example are contracted using ellipses to save space.
The alphabetic letters delimited using [] are time instants and correspond to the time instants in Table 4
   Client A                                  Server                                   Client B
   |                                            |                                            |
   | GET /col...ns/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2 |                                            |
[A]|------------------------------------------->|                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | GET /col...ns/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2 |
   |                                            |<-------------------------------------------|[B]
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | HTTP/1.1 200 OK                            |
   |                                            | Last-Modified: Sat,13 Mar 2021 11:28:17 GMT|
   |                                            | ETag: 1986bf5c                             |
   |                                            |------------------------------------------->|[C]
   |                                            |                                            |
   | HTTP/1.1 200 OK                            |                                            |
   | Last-Modified: Sat,13 Mar 2021 11:28:17 GMT|                                            |
   | ETag: 1986bf5c                             |                                            |
[D]|<-------------------------------------------|                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   | PUT /col...ns/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2 |                                            |
[E]|------------------------------------------->|                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   | HTTP/1.1 204 No Content                    |                                            |
   | Last-Modified: Sun,14 Mar 2021 13:14:15 GMT|                                            |
   | ETag: 66ba0c91                             |                                            |
[F]|<-------------------------------------------|                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | PUT /col...ns/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2 |
   |                                            |<-------------------------------------------|[G]
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | HTTP/1.1 204 No Content                    |
   |                                            | Last-Modified: Sun,14 Mar 2021 13:17:02 GMT|
   |                                            | ETag: 11e34a43                             |
   |                                            |------------------------------------------->|[H]
Table 4. Example of a concurrent race condition
Time Instance Description


Client A issues a GET to retrieve feature OB.2.


Client B issues a GET to retrieve the same feature OB.2.


The server responds to Client B. The response includes entity tag (Etag) 1986bf5c and a timestamp when the resource has been updated.


The server responds to Client A. The response also includes ETag 1986bf5c and the same last-modified timestamp since the feature has not changed since the server responded to Client B.


Client A modifies its local copy of OB.2 and pushes the changes to the server.


The server successfully processes Client A’s request. The server generates a new ETag 66ba0c91 to reflect the new state of the feature, the last-modified timestamp is updated.


Client B, unaware of Client A’s changes, modifies its (now outdated) local copy of OB.2 and pushes the changes to the server.


The server successfully processes Client B’s request and Client A’s change is silently lost. Once again, since the stage of the resource has changed, the server generates a new ETag 11e34a43 for the feature and a new last-modified timestamp.

Optimistic locking resolves such change conflicts by exchanging state information (e.g., ETags or timestamps) between clients and servers using HTTP headers to ensure that a resource’s state has not changed between a read request to fetch a resource and a subsequent update request. If the state of the resource has changed in the intervening time interval the exchanged state information will not match and the operation fails. This necessitates a re-read of the resource to obtain the most recent state and a subsequent retry of the update operation.

This Standard supports optimistic locking using the two different types of state information supported by HTTP:

  • The Last-Modified field is the date and time at which the server believes the selected representation was last modified.

  • The ETag field is an opaque value (entity tag) derived by the server from the selected representation. An ETag can be strong or weak. A strong ETag requires that the representation of a resource is always byte-by-byte equal to a previous response as long as the ETag does not change. With a weak ETag the representation can change without changing the ETag as long as the server considers the representations to be semantically equivalent.

A requirements class is specified for each field, because the two options have different characteristics and API providers need to decide which option they can support.

  • The ETag can be derived from the current state of the resource, while Last-Modified requires that metadata about the last change to a resource is maintained and available.

  • However, all ETags must be strong ETags to support optimistic locking using HTTP. For some resources specified in OGC API Standards (for example, features), semantical equivalency would be sufficient to avoid 'lost updates'. Byte-for-byte identity is not necessary and often hard to achieve, because representations in OGC Web APIs can include various parts that can change without any semantic change to the resource and which are often dynamically created during each request. One example is self and alternate links, which can change without any change to the resource in the backend datastore (link titles can change with a new software version. An alternate link will be added, if a new encoding is supported by the API; etc.). Other changes could be differences in whitespace or differences in the sequence of members in a JSON object. Byte-for-byte identity is essential for caching and supporting range requests, but not always for PUT validation.

It is still useful to provide weak ETag headers, because for other conditional requests weak ETag validation is sufficient. For example, for If-None-Match headers weak validation is used. I.e., the use of weak ETags is sufficient to support 304 status responses (Not Modified) on GET requests to resources.

That is, ETags are a good option for optimistic locking when the server can provide strong ETags for all representations of a resource. Otherwise Last-Modified must be used and the metadata about changes to the resource has to be maintained. Of course, a server can also support both validator fields.

8.2. Optimistic locking using timestamps

8.2.1. Overview

Requirements Class

Target type


A server that implements this requirements class generates a Last-Modified header when the resource is fetched or modified representing the last time the resource was changed and recognizes the If-Unmodified-Since conditional HTTP header in order to implement optimistic locking of resources to support concurrency.

8.2.2. Last-modified

As defined in RFC 9110: HTTP Semantics, for the purposes of this requirements class, the value of the Last-Modified header is a timestamp indicating the date and time at which the origin server believes that the selected representation was last modified, as determined at the conclusion of handling the request.

Requirement 22



The response to a HTTP GET operation used to retrieve a representation of a resource SHALL include a Last-Modified header representing the date and time the representation was last modified as determined at the conclusion of handling the request.

Requirement 23



A resource successfully replaced by a HTTP PUT operation SHALL include a Last-Modified header whose value is a date and time representing when the representation was last modified as determined at the conclusion of handing the request.

Requirement 24



Server implements the Update conformance class.


A resource successfully updated by a HTTP PATCH operation SHALL include a Last-Modified header whose value is a date and time representing when the representation was last modified as determined at the conclusion of handing the request.

8.2.3. Conditional processing

Optimistic resource locking is implemented using the If-Unmodified-Since HTTP header. The value of the header is evaluated according to rules defined in RFC 9110 and the result of that evaluation is used to determine if the operation shall be performed or not.

If the If-Unmodified-Since HTTP header evaluation results in a value of true then the operation can proceed.

If the If-Unmodified-Since HTTP header evaluation, however, evaluates to false then the server generates a response according to the rules defined in RFC 9110. Normally, in this case, the response is a HTTP status code of 412, precondition failed. However, if the requested change is already reflected in the current state of the resource, then the server can respond with a 2xx, successful HTTP status code.

The client submitting the request will set the value of the If-Unmodified-Since header:

  • To a timestamp representing the last time the representation of the resource was retrieved; or

  • To the value of the Last-Modified header of the response when the representation of the resource was retrieved last.

If no If-Unmodified-Since header is provided by the client, the behavior will depend on the server. The appropriate behavior will vary depending on the dataset and use case.

Requirement 25



A HTTP PUT operation that replaces a resource SHALL include an If-Unmodified-Since header.

Requirement 26



The value of an If-Unmodified-Since header SHALL be evaluated before a HTTP PUT operation is performed according to the rules defined in RFC9110, Section 13.1.4.

Requirement 27



Server implements the Update conformance class.


A HTTP PUT operation that updates a resource SHALL include an If-Unmodified-Since header.

Requirement 28



Server implements the Update conformance class.


The value of an If-Unmodified-Since header SHALL be evaluated before a HTTP PATCH operation is performed according to the rules defined in RFC9110, Section 13.1.4.

Permission 9



The If-Unmodified-Since HTTP header is omitted from the operation.


The server MAY respond with a HTTP status code of 428 (Precondition required), as specified in RFC 6585: Additional HTTP Status Codes, or 409 (Conflict).


Alternatively, the server MAY execute the operation and return a HTTP status code in the 2xx range.

8.2.4. Example

The following example, taken from the Overview, optimistically locks the resources being operated on using the If-Unmodified-Since header. Client A successfully updates the resource while Client B’s update fails. Client B, then proceeded to re-fetch the resource and try the update again.

The request and response payload are intentionally omitted in the example to highlight the HTTP header interactions between the server and the clients.
Some names in the example are contracted using ellipses to save space.
The alphabetic letters delimited using [] are time instants and correspond to the time instants in Table 5
   Client A                                  Server                                   Client B
   |                                            |                                            |
   | GET /col...ns/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2 |                                            |
[A]|------------------------------------------->|                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | GET /col...ns/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2 |
   |                                            |<-------------------------------------------|[B]
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | HTTP/1.1 200 OK                            |
   |                                            | Last-Modified: Sat,13 Mar 2021 11:28:17 GMT|
   |                                            |------------------------------------------->|[C]
   |                                            |                                            |
   | HTTP/1.1 200 OK                            |                                            |
   | Last-Modified: Sat,13 Mar 2021 11:28:17 GMT|                                            |
[D]|<-------------------------------------------|                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   | PUT /col...ns/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2 |                                            |
   | If-Unmodified-Since: Sat,13 Mar 2021...GMT |                                            |
[E]|------------------------------------------->|                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   | HTTP/1.1 204 No Content                    |                                            |
   | Last-Modified: Sun,14 Mar 2021 13:14:15 GMT|                                            |
[F]|<-------------------------------------------|                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | PUT /col...ns/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2 |
   |                                            | If-Unmodified-Since: Sat,13 Mar 2021...GMT |
   |                                            |<-------------------------------------------|[G]
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed           |
   |                                            |------------------------------------------->|[H]
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | GET /col...ns/oakland_buildings/item/OB.2  |
   |                                            |<-------------------------------------------|[I]
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | HTTP/1.1 200 OK                            |
   |                                            | Last-Modified: Sun,14 Mar 2021 13:14:15 GMT|
   |                                            |------------------------------------------->|[J]
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | PUT /col...ns/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2 |
   |                                            | If-Unmodified-Since: Sun,14 Mar 2021...GMT |
   |                                            |<-------------------------------------------|[K]
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | HTTP/1.1 204 No Content                    |
   |                                            | Last-Modified: Sun,14 Mar 2021 13:14:27 GMT|
   |                                            |------------------------------------------->|[L]
Table 5. Example of a concurrent update
Time Instance Description


Client A issues a GET to retrieve the feature with identifier OB.2.


Client B issues a GET to retrieve the same feature, OB.2.


The server responds to Client B. The response includes Last-Modified: Sat,13 Mar 2021 11:28:17 GMT .


The server responds to Client A. The response also includes Last-Modified: Sat,13 Mar 2021 11:28:17 GMT since the feature has not changed since the server responded to Client B.


Client A modifies its local copy of OB.2 and pushes the changes to the server. The client includes the If-Unmodified-Since: Sat,13 Mar 2021 11:28:17 GMT.


Since the resource has not changes since the timestamp specified by the If-Unmodified-Since header — indicating the Client A’s understanding of the state of the resource is current - the server successfully processes Client A’s request. A new Last-Modified timestamp, Sun,14 Mar 2021 13:14:15 GMT, is generated to reflect the most recent time the resource was changed.


Client B, unaware of Client A’s changes, modifies its local copy of OB.2 and pushes the changes to the server using an If-Unmodified-Since HTTP header value of Sat,13 Mar 2021 11:28:17 GMT which reflects Client B’s outdated understanding of the resource’s state.


The server evaluates the If-Unmodified-Since HTTP header value specified by Client B and because the resource has changed since the specified timestamp the operation’s precondition fails and thus the operation fails. The server responds with a HTTP status code of 412.


The Client B re-fetches the resource to obtain its current state.


The server responds and includes Last-Modified: Sun,14 Mar 2021 13:14:15 GMT representing the most recent time the resource was changed.


Client B once again modifies its local copy of OB.2 and pushes the changes to the server using the latest received modification date as the value of the If-Unmodified-Since HTTP header.


Since the resource has not changed since the specified timestamp — indicating the Client B’s understanding of the state of the resource is current — the server successfully processes Client B’s request. A new Last-Modified value, Sun,14 Mar 2021 13:14:27 GMT, is generated to reflect the most recent time the resource was changed.

8.3. Optimistic locking with ETags

8.3.1. Overview

Requirements Class

Target type


A server that implements this requirements class generates an entity tag representing the state of the resource when the resource is fetched or modified and recognizes the If-Match conditional HTTP header in order to implement optimistic locking of resources to support concurrency.

8.3.2. Entity tags

As defined in RFC 9110: HTTP Semantics, for the purposes of this requirements class, an ETag is an opaque token generated by the server for differentiating between multiple representations of the same resource resulting from state changes over time.

Requirement 29



The response to a HTTP GET operation used to retrieve a representation of a resource SHALL include an ETag header representing the state of the resource as determined at the conclusion of handing the request.

Requirement 30



A resource successfully replaced by a HTTP PUT operation SHALL include an ETag header in the response whose value is an opaque token that represents the state of the resource as determined at the conclusion of handing the request.

Requirement 31



Server implements the Update conformance class.


A resource successfully updated by a HTTP PATCH operation SHALL include an ETag header in the response whose value is an opaque token that represents the state of the resource as determined at the conclusion of handing the request.

8.3.3. Conditional processing

Optimistic resource locking is implemented using the If-Match HTTP header. The value of the header is evaluated by the server according to rules defined in RFC 9110 and the result of that evaluation is used to determine if the operation shall be performed or not.

If the If-Match HTTP header evaluation by the server results in a value of true then the operation can proceed.

However, if the If-Match HTTP header evaluation by the server evaluates to false then the server generates a response according to the rules defined in RFC 9110. Normally, in this case, the server responds with a HTTP status code of 412, precondition failed. However, if the requested change is already reflected in the current state of the resource, then the server can respond with a 2xx, successful HTTP status code.

The value of the If-Match header will be a strong ETag token obtained by a preceding HTTP GET operation used to fetch a representation of the resource to be changed. Note that submitting a weak ETag token will always result in a failed precondition.

If no If-Match header is provided by the client, the behavior will depend on the server. The appropriate behavior will vary depending on the dataset and use case.

Requirement 32



A HTTP PUT operation that replaces a resource SHALL include an If-Match header.

Requirement 33



The value of an If-Match header SHALL be evaluated by the server before a HTTP PUT operation is performed according to the rules defined in RFC9110, Section 13.1.1.

Requirement 34



Server implements the Update conformance class.


A HTTP PUT operation that updates a resource SHALL include an If-Match header.

Requirement 35



Server implements the Update conformance class.


The value of an If-Match header SHALL be evaluated by the server before a HTTP PATCH operation is performed according to the rules defined in RFC9110, Section 13.1.1.

Permission 10



The If-Match HTTP header is omitted from the operation.


The server MAY respond with a HTTP status code of 428 (Precondition required), as specified in RFC 6585, or 409 (Conflict).


Alternatively, the server MAY execute the operation and return a HTTP status code in the 2xx range.

Permission 11



A server MAY support the value * for the If-Match header that matches any ETag value.

8.3.4. Example

The following example, taken from the Overview, optimistically locks the resources being operated on using the If-Match header. Client A successfully updates the resource while Client B’s update fails. Client B, then proceeded to re-fetch the resource and try the update again.

The request and response payload are intentionally omitted in the example to highlight the HTTP header interactions between the server and the clients.
Some names in the example are contracted using ellipses to save space.
The alphabetic letters delimited using [] are time instants and correspond to the time instants in Table 6
   Client A                                  Server                                   Client B
   |                                            |                                            |
   | GET /col...ns/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2 |                                            |
[A]|------------------------------------------->|                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | GET /col...ns/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2 |
   |                                            |<-------------------------------------------|[B]
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | HTTP/1.1 200 OK                            |
   |                                            | ETag: 1986bf5c                             |
   |                                            |------------------------------------------->|[C]
   |                                            |                                            |
   | HTTP/1.1 200 OK                            |                                            |
   | ETag: 1986bf5c                             |                                            |
[D]|<-------------------------------------------|                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   | PUT /col...ns/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2 |                                            |
   | If-Match: 1986bf5c                         |                                            |
[E]|------------------------------------------->|                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   | HTTP/1.1 204 No Content                    |                                            |
   | ETag: 66ba0c91                             |                                            |
[F]|<-------------------------------------------|                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | PUT /col...ns/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2 |
   |                                            | If-Match: 1986bf5c                         |
   |                                            |<-------------------------------------------|[G]
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed           |
   |                                            |------------------------------------------->|[H]
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | GET /col...ns/oakland_buildings/item/OB.2  |
   |                                            |<-------------------------------------------|[I]
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | HTTP/1.1 200 OK                            |
   |                                            | ETag: 66ba0c91                             |
   |                                            |------------------------------------------->|[J]
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | PUT /col...ns/oakland_buildings/items/OB.2 |
   |                                            | If-Match: 66ba0c91                         |
   |                                            |<-------------------------------------------|[K]
   |                                            |                                            |
   |                                            | HTTP/1.1 204 No Content                    |
   |                                            | ETag: 7f1319eb                             |
   |                                            |------------------------------------------->|[L]
Table 6. Example of a concurrent update
Time Instance Description


Client A issues a GET to retrieve the feature with identifier OB.2.


Client B issues a GET to retrieve the same feature, OB.2.


The server responds to Client B. The response includes ETag 1986bf5c .


The server responds to Client A. The response also includes ETag 1986bf5c since the feature has not changed since the server responded to Client B.


Client A modifies its local copy of OB.2 and pushes the changes to the server. The client includes the ETag 1986bf5c.


Since the value of the client-provided If-Match HTTP header matches the current ETag for the resource — indicating the Client A’s understanding of the state of the resource is current - the server successfully processes Client A’s request. A new ETag, 66ba0c91, is generated to reflect the new state of the resource.


Client B, unaware of Client A’s changes, modifies its local copy of OB.2 and pushes the changes to the server using an If-Match HTTP header value of 1986bf5c which reflects Client B’s outdated understanding of the resource’s state.


The server evaluates the If-Match HTTP header value specified by Client B and because it does not match the current state of the resource (i.e. ETag 66ba0c91) the operation’s precondition fails and thus the operation fails. The server responds with a HTTP status code of 412.


The Client B re-fetches the resource to obtain its current state.


The server responds and includes ETag 66ba0c91 representing the current state of the resource.


Client B once again modifies its local copy of OB.2 and pushes the changes to the server using the latest received ETag of 66ba0c91 as the value of the If-Match HTTP header.


Since the value of the client-provided If-Match header matches current ETag value for the resource — indicating the Client B’s understanding of the state of the resource is current - the server successfully processes Client B’s request. A new ETag, 7f1319eb, is generated to reflect the new state of the resource.

8.4. Exceptions

9. Requirements Class "Features"

9.2. Resources endpoint

Requirement 36



For features, the resources endpoints SHALL be URIs specified by the URI template {landingPageUri}/collections/{collectionsId}/items.


The parameter landingPageUri SHALL be the URI of the Landing Page resource.


The parameter collectionId SHALL be each id property in the collections array of the Collections resource (i.e., the response to a GET request to {landingPageUri}/collections) where the collection has an itemType with no value or a value feature.

9.3. Resource endpoint

Requirement 37



For features, the resource endpoints SHALL be URIs specified by the URI template {landingPageUri}/collections/{collectionsId}/items/{featureId}.


The parameter landingPageUri SHALL be the URI of the Landing Page resource.


The parameter collectionId SHALL be each id property in the collections array of the Collections resource (i.e., the response to a GET request to {landingPageUri}/collections) where the collection has an itemType with no value or a value feature.


The parameter featureId SHALL be the id property of a feature obtained by previously having queried the Features resource of the collection (i.e., responses to GET requests to {landingPageUri}/collections/{collectionId}/items).

9.4. Support for creating features using the PUT method

Requirement 38



If the server supports creating new features for a collection collectionId using the PUT method, the server SHALL include a boolean property supportsNonAutogeneratedResourceIds with the value true in the representation of the collection at the endpoints {landingPageUri}/collections and {landingPageUri}/collections/{collectionsId}.


The parameter landingPageUri SHALL be the URI of the Landing Page resource.


The parameter collectionId SHALL be each id property in the collections array of the Collections resource (i.e., the response to a GET request to {landingPageUri}/collections) where the collection has an itemType with no value or a value feature.

A collection with supportsNonAutogeneratedResourceIds set to true
  "title": "Cultural (Points)",
  "description": "Cultural: Information about features on the landscape that have been constructed by man.",
  "links": [ ... ],
  "id": "CulturePnt",
  "extent": {
    "spatial": {
      "bbox": [ [35.9535002, 32.5920726, 36.1085461, 32.6405082] ],
      "crs": ""
    "temporal": {
      "interval": [ ["2011-01-03T06:31:15Z", "2013-06-16T23:47:41Z"] ],
      "trs": ""
  "itemType": "feature",
  "crs": [
    ""  ,
    ""  ,
  "storageCrs": "",
  "itemCount": 5,
  "supportsNonAutogeneratedResourceIds": true

9.5. Coordinate reference systems (CRS)

Unless the server supports OGC API - Features - Part 2: Coordinate Reference Systems by Reference, all geometries have to be submitted in the default CRS.

Requirement 39




The server SHALL interpret all geometries in request bodies of requests to the resources or resource endpoints to be in the coordinate reference system (WGS 84 longitude/latitude) for geometries without height information and (WGS 84 longitude/latitude plus ellipsoidal height) for geometries with height information.


If the request declares that the coordinates are in a different coordinate reference system (e.g., by using the Content-Crs HTTP header with a different CRS identifier or through information in the request body), the server SHALL return an error.

If the server supports OGC API - Features - Part 2: Coordinate Reference Systems by Reference, the default CRS can be overridden by declaring the Content-Crs header in the request. Alternatively, if the feature representation supports expressing CRS information for each feature / geometry, the information can also be included in the feature representation.

Requirement 40




The server SHALL inspect CREATE, REPLACE and UPDATE requests for the Content-Crs HTTP header and interpret coordinates in the request body to be in the declared CRS.

Requirement 41




The request does not declare that coordinates are in a specific coordinate reference system (by using the Content-Crs HTTP header or through information in the request body).


The server SHALL interpret all geometries in request bodies of requests to the resources or resource endpoints to be in the coordinate reference system (WGS 84 longitude/latitude) for geometries without height information and (WGS 84 longitude/latitude plus ellipsoidal height) for geometries with height information.

Requirement 42




The request declares that coordinates are in a specific coordinate reference system (by using the Content-Crs HTTP header or through information in the request body).


The server SHALL interpret all geometries in request bodies of requests to the resources or resource endpoints to be in the coordinate reference system declared in the request.


If the server does not support the coordinate reference system declared in the request for the feature collection, the server SHALL return an error.

This approach is consistent with the use of WGS84 longitude/latitude as the default CRS for all feature-related requests in API implementation instances. If both the server and the client are CRS-aware and have the capability to handle geometries in other CRSs, this requirement enables the client to negotiate to some other mutually agreeable CRS.


The following example adds a new feature to the dc_buildings collection. The feature is represented as GeoJSON and the Content-Crs HTTP header is used to assert that the geometry coordinates are expressing using CRS (WGS 84 / UTM zone 7N). A pseudo-sequence diagram notation is used to illustrate the details of the HTTP communication between the client and the server.

Create a new feature expressed using a non-default CRS.
   Client                                                              Server
     |                                                                   |
     | POST /collections/dc_buildings/items   HTTP/1.1                   |
     | Content-Type: application/geo+json                                |
     | Content-Crs:          |
     |                                                                   |
     | {                                                                 |
     |   type: "Feature",                                                |
     |   geometry: {                                                     |
     |     type: "Polygon",                                              |
     |     coordinates: [[                                               |
     |       [6053772.741,6835449.584],[6053707.528,6835479.753],        |
     |       [6053703.657,6835471.867],[6053663.001, 6835490.725],       |
     |       [6053652.866,6835470.026],[6053681.967, 6835456.599],       |
     |       [6053681.967,6835456.599],[6053704.695, 6835446.018],       |
     |       [6053695.731,6835427.879],[6053669.296, 6835440.112],       |
     |       [6053661.758,6835425.125],[6053742.232, 6835387.872],       |
     |       [6053772.741,6835449.584]]]                                 |
     |   },                                                              |
     |   properties: {                                                   |
     |     "bldgid2": "1732 CONNECTICUT AVE NW",                         |
     |     "bldgtype": "Commercial Building",                            |
     |     "final_apn": "000O042537425",                                 |
     |     "apnid": 73,                                                  |
     |     "nostory": 3,                                                 |
     |     "bldgnum": "bldgG73",                                         |
     |     "numbldgs": 1,                                                |
     |     "comname": "Acme Knitting"                                    |
     |   }                                                               |
     | }                                                                 |
     |                                                                   |
     | HTTP/1.1 201 Created                                              |
     | Location: /collections/dc_buildings/items/DCB.314                 |

If the server includes the storageCrs property in the Collection resource, as specified in OGC API - Features - Part 2: Coordinate Reference Systems by Reference, then it is recommended that client express all geometry-valued feature properties presented to the server in a request body using the storage CRS. This avoids geometric errors from the conversion of coordinates on the server when storing the geometry.

Recommendation 3




The server SHOULD declare the storageCrs property in each Collection resource for each feature collection that supports CREATE, REPLACE or UPDATE requests.


The server SHOULD support all CRSs that are declared in the crs property of the Collection resource for each feature collection that supports CREATE, REPLACE or UPDATE requests.


The server MAY only support the storage CRS in CREATE, REPLACE or UPDATE requests to avoid coordinate conversion in mutations of feature resources.

9.6. Feature schemas

Adding, replacing, or updating a feature requires that a representation of that feature or the updated properties be provided by the client. As is the case in Part 1 (Core), this Standard does not mandate that a specific feature encoding be supported by a server.

If features in a collection are constrained to a specific schema and schema information is provided by a server, the Schema resource of a collection is available at {landingPageUri}/collections/{collectionId}/schema as specified by Part 5 (Schemas). This information enables clients to generate feature representations that are acceptable to the server.

Requirement 43




The response content of a GET request to {landingPageUri}/collections/{collectionId}/schema SHALL be a JSON Schema.


The server SHALL accept mutation requests where each feature property in the request meets the schema constraints of the corresponding, receivable property in the JSON Schema.


Unless the JSON Schema includes a statement "additionalProperties": false, the server SHALL NOT reject properties that are not specified in the JSON Schema.

The schema identifies the feature properties that can be used in a mutation request (Receivables), that is, all properties that are not tagged as readOnly.

The mapping between the properties in the encoded feature and the properties in the JSON Schema depends on the feature encoding. This Standard provides guidance for API implementation instances that support GeoJSON.


The following example fetches the schema for the oakland_buildings collection. Pseudo-sequence diagram notation is used to illustrate the details of the HTTP communication between the client and the server. Remarks:

  • Since the schema includes a statement "additionalProperties": false, the server will reject any feature that has additional properties that are not specified in the schema.

  • The id member is read-only as the feature identifier is assigned by the server on a POST request. In a PUT or PATCH request, the feature identifier is part of the URI.

Schema Example
   Client                                                              Server
     |                                                                   |
     | GET /collections/oakland_buildings/schema               HTTP/1.1  |
     | Accept: application/schema+json                                   |
     |                                                                   |
     | HTTP/1.1 200 OK                                                   |
     | Content-Type: application/schema+json                             |
     |                                                                   |
     | {                                                                 |
     |   "type": "object",                                               |
     |   "required": [                                                   |
     |     "id",                                                         |
     |     "geom",                                                       |
     |     "apnid",                                                      |
     |     "bldgid2",                                                    |
     |     "bldgtype",                                                   |
     |     "final_apn"                                                   |
     |   ],                                                              |
     |   "additionalProperties": false,                                  |
     |   "properties": {                                                 |
     |      "id": {                                                      |
     |         "type": "string",                                         |
     |         "readOnly": true,                                         |
     |         "x-ogc-role": "id"                                        |
     |      },                                                           |
     |      "geom": {                                                    |
     |         "format": "geometry-polygon"                              |
     |         "x-ogc-role": "primary-geometry"                          |
     |      },                                                           |
     |      "shape_len": {                                               |
     |         "type": "number",                                         |
     |         "format": "double"                                        |
     |      },                                                           |
     |      "shape_area": {                                              |
     |         "type": "number",                                         |
     |         "format": "double"                                        |
     |      },                                                           |
     |      "bldgid3": {                                                 |
     |         "type": "string"                                          |
     |      },                                                           |
     |      "bldgid2": {                                                 |
     |         "type": "string"                                          |
     |      },                                                           |
     |      "bldgtype": {                                                |
     |         "type": "string",                                         |
     |         "enum": ["Commercial Building", ...]                      |
     |      },                                                           |
     |      "final_apn": {                                               |
     |         "type": "string",                                         |
     |         "pattern": "\\d{13}"                                      |
     |      },                                                           |
     |      "apnid": {                                                   |
     |         "type": "number",                                         |
     |         "format": "integer"                                       |
     |      },                                                           |
     |      "nostory": {                                                 |
     |         "type": "number",                                         |
     |         "format": "integer",                                      |
     |         "minimum": 1,                                             |
     |         "maximum": 400                                            |
     |      },                                                           |
     |      "bldgnum": {                                                 |
     |         "type": "string"                                          |
     |      },                                                           |
     |      "numbldgs": {                                                |
     |         "type": "number",                                         |
     |         "format": "integer"                                       |
     |      },                                                           |
     |      "comname": {                                                 |
     |         "type": "string"                                          |
     |      },                                                           |
     |      "primary_material": {                                        |
     |         "type": "string",                                         |
     |         "enum": ["red brick", "concrete", "wood", ...]            |
     |      }                                                            |
     |   }                                                               |
     | }                                                                 |

9.7. JSON Merge Patch

RFC 7396 (JSON Merge Patch) can be used to update selected properties of a feature, if the schema of the feature as described in the previous sub-clause is available. This is independent of the feature encodings supported by the API.

Requirement 44



Server implements Requirements Class "Update"



Server advertises support for media type application/merge-patch+json in the API definition for UPDATE operations for a feature collection collectionId


The server SHALL process PATCH requests with a content type application/merge-patch+json to such a resource endpoint as specified by RFC 7396 (JSON Merge Patch) under the assumption that the feature is represented in JSON according to the JSON Schema describing the Returnables and Receivables.


The server SHALL reject requests where the property with x-ogc-role set to "id" is updated.


The server SHALL process requests that update a spatial property under the assumption that the value is a GeoJSON geometry object.


The server SHALL unset properties that have the value null.

9.8. GeoJSON

Requirement 45




Server advertises support for media type application/geo+json in the API definition for CREATE or REPLACE operation for a feature collection collectionId



In a REPLACE operation, the server SHALL ignore an "id" member in the request or, alternatively, reject the request, if the "id" value differs from the featureId of the resource.


The value of the "geometry" member SHALL be mapped to the property with the role "primary-geometry".

GeoJSON normatively supports WGS84 longitude/latitude, but the "prior arrangement" provision allows that other CRSs can be used if both client and server agree on the CRS. Clients that want to use a CRS that is not the default CRS have to state the CRS in the POST, PUT or PATCH request using the Content-Crs HTTP header to invoke the "prior arrangement" provision.

9.9. Geography Markup Language (GML)

Requirement 46




Server advertises support for media type application/gml in the API definition for CREATE or REPLACE operation for a feature collection collectionId


In a REPLACE operation, the server SHALL ignore a @gml:id attribute for the feature or, alternatively, reject the request, if the value differs from the featureId of the resource.

Requirement 47




A CREATE, REPLACE and UPDATE request has been submitted with a Content-Type HTTP header with a GML media type (application/gml+xml).


The server SHALL inspect the srsName XML attribute of the element that represents the value of each geometry-valued feature property.


A srsName XML attribute SHALL override the Content-Type HTTP header.

This Standard does not specify an XML PATCH syntax / semantics that could be applied for GML feature updates. Two options are:

10. Media Types

The media types for the CREATE, REPLACE and UPDATE requests as well as for the schema documents depend on the representations of the resources.

For GeoJSON features,

  • CREATE and REPLACE operations will use application/geo+json,

  • UPDATE operations will use application/merge-patch+json,

  • schema documents will use application/schema+json.

For GML features,

  • CREATE and REPLACE operations will use application/gml+xml,

  • UPDATE operations will use application/xml,

  • schema documents will use application/xml.

11. Security Considerations

Since CREATE, REPLACE, DELETE and UPDATE operations will change the resources and not "just" query them, servers will in almost all cases restrict the access to these operations.

Users making modifications to resources need to:

  1. Be authenticated,

  2. Have "modification privileges" on one or more of the resource collections offered by the API implementation instance and related endpoints,

  3. Have access to one or more of the POST, PUT, PATCH and/or DELETE methods on the resources / resource endpoints.

The API definition must reflect this in the resource paths and their available methods.

The examples in the chapters specifying the requirements classes focus on the mechanics of the POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH methods and exclude authentication. Since authentication will typically be required for all requests, this section provides some examples/guidance:

The OpenAPI definition will declare the authentication schemes that the server supports for each operation (or for all operations supported by the server).

A member "security" in the OpenAPI definition object can be provided to list the default security schemes supported by all operations. Individual operations can override this default by providing a "security" member for the individual operation.

Example 1. Example OpenAPI definition with security requirements

The following OpenAPI definition declares that the API accepts either api keys in an "X-API-Key" header or JWT bearer tokens to authenticate the requestor. The server will decide, if an authenticated request is rejected or executed based on privileges of the authenticated user.

  "openapi" : "3.0.3",
  "info" : {
    "title" : "My API",
    "description" : "This API ...",
    "version" : "1.0.0"
  "servers" : [ {
    "url" : ""
  } ],
  "security" : [ {
    "JWT" : [ ],
    "api_key": [ ]
  } ],
  "paths" : { },
  "components" : {
    "securitySchemes": {
      "JWT" : {
        "type" : "http",
        "scheme" : "bearer",
        "bearerFormat" : "JWT"
      "api_key" : {
        "type": "apiKey",
        "name": "X-API-Key",
        "in": "header"

If the authentication of a secured request fails or if the user does not have sufficient privileges, the server will return an error.

In case the request does not include information to authenticate the user, the server will respond with a 401 response ("Unauthorized"). The response will include a "WWW-Authenticate" header with hints as to how to provide authentication credentials.

Unauthorized request
   Client                                                              Server
     |                                                                   |
     | DELETE /api/v1/collections/buildings/items/1234 HTTP/1.1          |
     | Host:                                                 |
     |                                                                   |
     | HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized                                         |
     | Date: Mon, 23 May 2022 11:18:45 GMT                               |
     | WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="my-realm"                         |
     | WWW-Authenticate: ApiKey header="X-API-Key"                       |
     | Content-Type: application/problem+json                            |
     | Vary: Accept                                                      |
     | Content-Length: 86                                                |
     |                                                                   |
     | {                                                                 |
     |   "status" : 401,                                                 |
     |   "title" : "Unauthorized",                                       |
     |   "detail" : "HTTP 401 Unauthorized"                              |
     | }                                                                 |

If valid authentication credentials have been provided, but the server refuses to execute the operation, because the user has insufficient privileges, the server will typically return a 403 response ("Forbidden").

Forbidden request
   Client                                                              Server
     |                                                                   |
     | DELETE /api/v1/collections/buildings/items/1234 HTTP/1.1          |
     | Host:                                                 |
     | Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...7HgQ |
     |                                                                   |
     | HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden                                            |
     | Date: Mon, 23 May 2022 11:18:55 GMT                               |
     | Content-Type: application/problem+json                            |
     | Vary: Accept                                                      |
     | Content-Length: 80                                                |
     |                                                                   |
     | {                                                                 |
     |   "status" : 403,                                                 |
     |   "title" : "Forbidden",                                          |
     |   "detail" : "HTTP 403 Forbidden"                                 |
     | }                                                                 |

However, for security reasons, the server may also decide to return other status codes to hide information from a potential attacker. For example, the server may decie to return a 401 response even for a valid, but un-privileged user. Or the server may return a 404 response ("Not Found") to hide the fact that the resource exists in the first place, typically if the user would also not be privileged to fetch the resource with a GET operation.

Annex A: Abstract Test Suite (Normative)

Conformance classes and test cases for all requirements classes and requirements will be added once the requirements classes and requirements are final.

Annex B: Revision History

Date Release Editor Primary clauses modified Description



P. Vretanos


initial version



P. Vretanos


reorganize to separate feature-specific aspects in its own requirements class



P. Vretanos, C. Portele


draft for OAB review



P. Vretanos, C. Portele


draft for Public Comment

Annex C: Bibliography

  • OpenAPI Initiative (OAI). OpenAPI Specification 3.0 [online]. 2020 [viewed 2020-03-16]. The latest patch version at the time of publication of this standard was 3.0.3, available at

  • Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). Welcome To The OGC APIs [online, viewed 2020-03-16]. Available at

  • Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). OGC API - Processes - Part 1: Core (Editor’s Draft) [online]. Edited by B. Pross. 2021 [viewed 2021-01-26]. Available at

  • Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). RFC 5261: An Extensible Markup Language (XML) Patch Operations Framework Utilizing XML Path Language (XPath) Selectors [online]. Edited by J. Urpalainen. 2008 [viewed 2021-01-25]. Available at

  • Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). RFC 6585: Additional HTTP Status Codes [online]. Edited by M. Nottingham, R. Fielding. 2012 [viewed 2022-11-07]. Available at