
OGC Standard

OGC Geospatial User Feedback Standard: XML Encoding Extension. v.2.0
Alaitz Zabala Editor Joan Masó Editor Oscar González Editor
Version: 1.0
Additional Formats: XML PDF DOC
OGC Standard


Document number:23-061
Document type:OGC Standard
Document subtype:Implementation
Document stage:Approved
Document language:English

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I.  Abstract

The OGC Geospatial User Feedback Standard version 2 — XML Encoding Extension is based on the OGC Geospatial User Feedback conceptual model [2]. Geospatial User Feedback (GUF) is metadata that is produced primarily by the consumers of geospatial data products based on their use and experience with those products. The GUF Standards complement the existing metadata conventions whereby documents recording dataset characteristics and production workflows are generated by the creator, publisher or curator of a data product. As a part of metadata, the GUF data model internally reuses some elements of ISO 19115-1 (the updated version of the OGC Abstract Specification topic 11 $$faltaLink) but not the general structure. This selective use of ISO metadata elements prioritizes future interoperability with developing ISO metadata models.

This Standard can be used in combination with [2]. In the future, other encodings may be considered, an alternative could use the JSON-LD encoding based on parts of

The OGC Geospatial User Feedback Standard version 2 — XML Encoding Extension is based on work done in two European Union 7th Framework program projects called GeoViQua (FP7 FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement n°265178) and CHARMe (FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement n°312641). GeoViQua considers user feedback as part of the metadata that enables users to assess the quality and fitness-for-use of geospatial datasets. The GeoViQua participants developed its quality model based on ISO 19115-1:2014 and drafts of ISO19157:2013. The GeoViQua model is divided into the Producer Quality Model and the User Feedback Model. Both models are encoded in XML based on the ISO 19139 rules. The GeoViQua User Feedback Model1 formed the initial basis of the XML Encoding Extension defined in this Standard. CHARMe also focused on developing means for users to annotate datasets. The approach used in that project was based on W3C annotations and developed annotation conventions in RDF. Parts of the CHARMe conceptual model are incorporated in the OGC GUF standards.

II.  Keywords

The following are keywords to be used by search engines and document catalogues.

ogcdoc, OGC document, API, openapi, html

III.  Preface

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The Open Geospatial Consortium shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

Recipients of this document are requested to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent claims or other intellectual property rights of which they may be aware that might be infringed by any implementation of the standard set forth in this document, and to provide supporting documentation.

IV.  Security considerations

No security considerations have been made for this document.

V.  Submitting Organizations

The following organizations submitted this Document to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC):


VI.  Submitters


All questions regarding this submission should be directed to the editor or the submitters:

Table — Submitters

Alaitz ZabalaUAB-CREAF
Oscar GonzálezUAB-CREAF
Lucy BastinAston University

1.  Scope

The OGC Geospatial User Feedback Standard: XML Encoding Extension version 2.0 (a.k.a. “this Standard”) defines an XML encoding for encoding user feedback about geospatial datasets or metadata records describing datasets. This Standard reuses and extends the ISO 19115-1:2014 model [3] and follows the ISO 19139 [4] encoding rules. The XML encoding is based on the Geospatial User Feedback Conceptual Model Standard version 2.0 [2].

This Standard is applicable to metadata catalogue servers and clients that want to exchange geospatial user feedback information.

This Standard is defined to allow implementation of catalogue clients that are able to complement the discovery of geospatial datasets. Catalogue clients present query results, commonly based on summaries of detailed metadata records created and maintained by the producers. With the GUF Standard, the metadata responses can also provide user feedback summaries and detailed user feedback reports. Clients implementing the GUF Standard can provide a user interface to support provision of additional comments or inquiries about datasets or to complement the producer metadata by presenting additional user feedback information about the data.

Geospatial User Feedback as defined in this Standard encompasses:

  • User comments

  • Questions and answers

  • User reports of dataset problems and proposed solutions to those problems

  • Ratings

  • Usage reports

  • Citations of related datasets or publications describing usage

  • Quality reports

  • Relevant additional provenance information

  • Significant events related to the use or interpretation of a dataset.

This standard does not define any query language to request or send user feedback to/from metadata catalogues.

2.  Conformance

The GUF XML Standard defines four requierements and four related conformance classes.

Requirements for some standardization targets types are considered:

Conformance with this Standard shall be checked using all the relevant tests specified in Annex A, Abstract Test Suite (normative) of this document. The framework, concepts, and methodology for testing, and the criteria to be achieved to claim conformance are specified in the OGC Compliance Testing Policies and Procedures and the OGC Compliance Testing web site2.

All requirements-classes and conformance-classes described in this document are owned by the standard(s) identified.

3.  Normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

OGC Geospatial User Feedback Standard: Conceptual Model v.2.0

ISO: ISO/TS 19139:2007, Geographic information — Metadata — XML schema implementation. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva (2007).

ISO: ISO 19115-3:2023, Geographic information — Metadata — Part 3: XML schema implementation for fundamental concepts. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva (2023).

ISO: ISO/TS 19157-2:2016, Geographic information  — Data quality — Part 2: XML schema implementation. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva (2016).

4.  Terms and definitions

No terms and definitions are listed in this document.

This document uses the terms defined in Sub-clause 5.3 of [5], which is based on the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards. In particular, the word “shall” (not “must”) is the verb form used to indicate a requirement to be strictly followed to conform to this standard.

This document uses the Terms and Definition provided by the OGC 15-097 Geospatial UserFeedback Conceptual Model standard [2]. No additional terms and definitions apply.

5.  Conventions

5.1.  Namespace prefix conventions

The following namespaces are used in this document. The prefix abbreviations used constitute conventions used here, but are not normative. The namespaces to which the prefixes refer to are normative.

Table 1 — Namespaces

PrefixNamespace URIDescription
xsd Schema namespace
gco 19115 Common classes
mri 19115-1 Identification
mrl 19115-1 Lineage
gex 19115-1 Extent
cit”/>ISO 19115-1 Citation
mdq 19157 Quality
lan 19115-3 Language
qcm common
guf feedback core
ufc feedback collection
ufs feedback summary

6.  Geospatial User Feedback XML encoding

The XML schemas described here were developed using the encoding rules for creating an XML encoding from a UML model, as documented in ISO 19139 [4]. These encoding rules are coded in the ShapeChange [6] application. ShapeChange is a Java tool that takes application schemas constructed according to ISO 19109 from a UML model and derives implementation representations. ShapeChange was used to automatically transform the OGC 23-017 Geospatial User Feedback Conceptual Model [2] UML model into the XML schemas that are conformant with the encoding rules defined in this Standard. Since the conversion is automatic, this document does not provide tables describing the semantics of each element and the reader should refer to the conceptual model for details.

This encoding is intended for applications where the use of producer’s metadata encoded according to ISO 19115-1:2014 [3] is common. In this way, there is a path for extending the current ISO 19115-1:2014 metadata editors and catalogues to support this model. This encoding also aims for an easy integration of the producer metadata and the user feedback in client applications.

7.  Geospatial User feedback model. Core

This section describes two requirements classes that are fundamental for encoding Geospatial User Feedback items in XML: Quality Common and Feedback-Item.

7.1.  Requirements Class Quality-Common

The Quality Common requirements class defines the XML encoding for data model classes that are common to, and useful for, both quality metadata generated by producers and user feedback metadata. For this reason, they are kept in a separate requirements class. In essence, this requirements class represents the foundations for building a user feedback model. This requirements class inherits all the necessary elements from the ISO 19115-1:2014 [3] and the ISO 19157:2013 [7] metadata models (such as CI_Citation, CI_Date etc) and adds two extra classes to the model for citing publications (QCM_Publications) and for reporting discovery issues (QCM_DiscoveredIssues).

Requirements class 1: Requirements Class ‘Quality-Common’

Target typeQuality-Common
Conformance classConformance class A.1:
PrerequisitesRequirement 1: /req/quality-common/mime-type
Requirement 2: /req/quality-common/file-extension
Requirement 4: /req/quality-common/iso-schema
Requirement 5: /req/quality-common/qcm-schema
Normative statement Requirement 1-1: ISO 19115-3, ISO 19157-2 and ISO 19139 schemas

Requirement 1


An XML encoding of a geospatial user feedback SHALL adopt the XML MIME type of application/xml

Requirement 2


An XML encoding of a geospatial user feedback SHALL use the file extension ‘.xml’

Requirement 3


An XML encoding of a geospatial user feedback SHALL comply with the encoding rules specified in ISO-19139.

Requirement 4


An XML encoding of a geospatial user feedback SHALL validate using the schemas ISO19115-3 and ISO19157-2 provided at: and respectively

Requirement 5


An XML encoding of a geospatial user feedback using QCM_Publication or QCM_DiscoveredIssue SHALL validate using the quality common schema qcm.xsd

The qcm.xsd schema is automatically derived from the OGC 23-017 UML model [2]. No tables describing the naming of the elements and sub-elements are reproduced here because to they will be the same specified in the conceptual model.

The following code shows a xml encoding example for QCM_Publication


<gco:CharacterString>Earth observations for sustainable development goals monitoring based on essential variables and driver-pressure-state-impact-response indicators</gco:CharacterString>
<cit:CI_DateTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="creation"/>
<cit:CI_RoleCode codeListValue="author" codeList=""/>
<gco:CharacterString>Joan Masó</gco:CharacterString>
<cit:CI_RoleCode codeListValue="author" codeList=""/>
<gco:CharacterString>Ivette Serral</gco:CharacterString>
<cit:CI_RoleCode codeListValue="author" codeList=""/>
<gco:CharacterString>Cristina Domingo-Marimon</gco:CharacterString>
<cit:CI_RoleCode codeListValue="author" codeList=""/>
<gco:CharacterString>Alaitz Zabala</gco:CharacterString>
<cit:CI_PresentationFormCode codeListValue="documentDigital" codeList=""/>
<gco:CharacterString>International Journal of Digital Earth </gco:CharacterString>
<gco:CharacterString>Volume 13, number 2</gco:CharacterString>
<gco:CharacterString>2020, VOL. 13, NO. 2, 217–235</gco:CharacterString>
<gco:CharacterString>Paper information (and possible download)</gco:CharacterString>
<cit:CI_OnLineFunctionCode codeListValue="information" codeList="">information
In recent years, researchers of different communities have increased their efforts in formalizing a set of measurements regularly collected for analysing changes in Drivers, States, Impacts and Responses of a given discipline. In some cases, different actors have converged in a minimum set of Essential Variables (EVs), such as for Climate, Biodiversity or Oceans. The definition of such EVs is an ongoing evolution and in extension (e.g. EVs for water) although some communities have not even started (e.g. agriculture and energy). This paper characterizes the Earth Observation (EO) networks and creates a graph representation of their relations. Secondly, this graph is enriched with the EVs produced by each network creating a knowledge base. Finally, an effort has been done to identify links between EVs and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators in a way that they indirectly connect the EO. An analysis to detect gaps in EO variables due to a lack of observational networks is performed. Several suggestions for improving SDG indicators framework by considering EVs are exposed, as well as proposing new necessary EVs and suggesting new EO based indicators. The complete graph is available in the ENEON website (
<gco:CharacterString>There is a need for a common and comprehensive list of Essential Variables. Research infrastructures need to be characterized in terms of the EV they are able to produce. Policy monitoring can benefit from Earth observation.</gco:CharacterString>
<gco:CharacterString>gap analysis</gco:CharacterString>
<gco:CharacterString>policy monitoring</gco:CharacterString>
<gco:CharacterString>essential variables</gco:CharacterString>
<gco:CharacterString>earth observation</gco:CharacterString>
<qcm:QCM_PublicationCategoryCode codeListValue="journalArticle" codeList=""/>

Listing 1

The following code shows a xml encoding example for QCM_DiscoveredIssue:


These maps cannot be used for land cover change detection since the error in the original map is higher than the change detected (e.g. GLC-2000 versus GlobCover). Due to the large disagreements between these land cover products, we recommend that the user community does not, by default, use the latest product with the highest resolution, but carefully examines the sensitivity of these products within a specific application.
In the situation where the maps are used for national and regional applications, we would recommend examining the disagreement of the products in the areas of interest and also to compare them with high resolution ground data or aerial photography. One way to do this would be to use (Fritz et al 2009), a global land cover validation tool, which can be used to visualize the global land cover products and the disagreement directly on top of Google Earth. By exploring the discrepancies at the level of an individual country in combination with local knowledge, the user can gain insight into which product is better in a specific region and which product is better suited for a particular application. Crowd-sourced data in the form of geo-tagged photos and information collected through Web 2.0 applications like geo-wiki and smart phones could also be harnessed as a rich source of training and calibration data fo global land cover algorithms.

Listing 2

The following code shows a xml encoding example for QCM_ReproducibleUsage:


xmlns:gcx= ""
<gco:CharacterString>Sharing style for an NDSI based snow coverage mask to extract snow surfaces from Sentinel 2 L2A images</gco:CharacterString>
<gml:TimeInstant gml:id="usageDateTime_id">
<mri:userDeterminedLimitations><gco:CharacterString>Water bodies may be detected as snow covered surfaces</gco:CharacterString></mri:userDeterminedLimitations>
<cit:CI_RoleCode codeListValue="author" codeList=""/>
<gco:CharacterString>Olaf Banzai</gco:CharacterString>
<gcx:MimeFileType type="application/json">application/json</gcx:MimeFileType>

Listing 3

7.2.  Requirements Class Feedback-Item

The Feedback-Item requirements class defines the data model classes that are involved in the definition of an individual user feedback item. A key design goal for the GUF to remain as simple as possible but comprehensive enough. This is, in order to allow for simple user interfaces that can cover different levels of expertise on geospatial data usage. The following are examples of what the GUF model allows: * Commenting * Asking questions * Providing answers (the GUF_UserComment class) * Rating data (GUF_Rating) * Citing publications (QCM_Publication) * Providing a quality measure (additionalQuality) * Documenting additional lineage information (additional LineageSteps) or * Emphasizing a significant event that conditions the interpretation of a dataset (GUF_SignificantEvent).

Each one of the previous examples is considered an “item” of feedback. Geospatial User Every item is set into a context by a combination of target, citations and scope. Feedback can be provided both about data or metadata.

Requirements class 2: Requirements Class ‘Feedback-Item’

Target typeFeedback-Item
Conformance classConformance class A.2:
PrerequisiteRequirement 6: /req/feedback-item/guf-schema
Normative statement Requirement 2-1: /req/quality-common

Requirement 6


An XML encoding of a geospatial user feedback item SHALL use GUF_FeedbackItem and SHALL validate using the geospatial user feedback item schema guf.xsd

The guf.xsd schema is automatically derived from the OGC 23-017 UML model [2]. No tables describing the naming of the elements and sub-elements are reproduced here due to they will be the same specified in the conceptual model.

The following code shows a xml encoding example for GUF_FeedbackItem


<gco:CharacterString>Comparison with other land cover products is difficult because legends are not compatible</gco:CharacterString>
<guf:GUF_UserRoleCode codeListValue="researchEndUser" codeList=""></guf:GUF_UserRoleCode>
<cit:CI_DateTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="creation"/>
<gco:CharacterString>Henrique M. Pereira</gco:CharacterString>
<cit:CI_RoleCode codeListValue="use" codeList=""></cit:CI_RoleCode>
<guf:expertiseLevel><guf:GUF_RatingCode codeListValue="5" codeList=""></guf:GUF_RatingCode></guf:expertiseLevel>
<gco:CharacterString>Surprisingly, there are no directly comparable sets of global land-cover data for two different dates. For instance, the Global Land Cover for the year 2000 (GLC 2000) based on SPOT VEGETATION ( is not directly comparable with the International Geosphere–Biosphere Programme (IGBP) Land Cover (1992–1993, based on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (NOAA-AVHRR). The difficulties arise from the use of different sensors, different land-cover classification  systems (including different definitions of forest) and  different classification methods.</gco:CharacterString>
<cit:title><gco:CharacterString>Global Land Cover 2000</gco:CharacterString></cit:title>
<mcc:MD_ScopeCode codeListValue="dataset" codeList=""></mcc:MD_ScopeCode>
<guf:GUF_TargetRoleCode codeListValue="primary" codeList=""></guf:GUF_TargetRoleCode>
<cit:title><gco:CharacterString>Global Land Cover Characterization</gco:CharacterString></cit:title>
<mcc:MD_ScopeCode codeListValue="dataset" codeList=""></mcc:MD_ScopeCode>
<guf:GUF_TargetRoleCode codeListValue="primary" codeList=""></guf:GUF_TargetRoleCode>

Listing 4

8.  Geospatial User feedback model. Extensions

This section describes two requirements classes that are considered extensions of the XML encoding core: Feedback-Summary and the Feedback-Collection.

8.1.  Requirements Class Feedback-Summary

The Feedback-Summary requirements class defines the XML encoding classes that allow for encoding summary statistics of feedback items that share the same target.

Requirements class 3: Requirements Class ‘Feedback-Summary’

Target typeFeedback-Summary
Conformance classConformance class A.3:
PrerequisiteRequirement 7: /req/feedback-summary/ufs-schema
Normative statement Requirement 3-1: /req/feedback-item

Requirement 7


An XML Encoding of a geospatial user feedback summary SHALL use UFS_FeedbackSummary and SHALL validate using the geospatial user feedback summary schema ufs.xsd

The ufs.xsd schema is automatically derived from the OGC 15-097 UML model [8]. No tables describing the naming of the elements and sub-elements are reproduced here as they are specified in the conceptual model.

The following code shows a xml encoding example for UFS_FeedbackSummary


xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" ../ufs.xsd">

Listing 5

8.2.  Requirements Class Feedback-Collection

The Feedback-Collection requirements class defines the XML encoding classes that support for grouping of feedback items into a feedback response and feedback collection with summary statistics. A feedback collection is a collection of feedback items that share a common target and share the same rating code list.

Requirements class 4: Requirements Class ‘Feedback-Collection’

Target typeFeedback-Collection
Conformance classConformance class A.4:
Normative statement Requirement 4-1: /req/feedback-collection

Requirement 8


An XML Encoding of a geospatial user feedback collection SHALL use UFC_FeedbackCollection and shall validate using the geospatial user feedback collection schema ufc.xsd

The ufc.xsd schema is automatically derived from the OGC 23-017 UML model [2]. No tables describing the naming of the elements and sub-elements are reproduced here as they are specified in the conceptual model.

The following code shows a xml encoding example for UFC_FeedbackCollection


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" ../ufc.xsd">
<gco:CharacterString>Comparing several global land cover products, i.e. the Global Land Cover Characterization Database (GLCC), Global Land Cover 2000 (GLC2000), and the MODIS land cover product, reveil individual strengths and weaknesses of mapping approaches.</gco:CharacterString>
<guf:GUF_UserRoleCode codeListValue="researchEndUser" codeList="">researchEndUser</guf:GUF_UserRoleCode>
<cit:CI_DateTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="creation"/>
<gco:CharacterString>Exploiting synergies of global land cover products for carbon cycle modeling</gco:CharacterString>
<cit:CI_DateTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="creation"/>
<gco:CharacterString>Remote Sensing of Environment</gco:CharacterString>
<gco:CharacterString>101 (2006) 534–553</gco:CharacterString>
<mcc:level><mcc:MD_ScopeCode codeList=""  codeListValue="dataset"/></mcc:level>
<mdq:statement><gco:CharacterString>14% of the area of the GLCC, GLC2000, and MODIS land cover maps, reclassified to the SIMPLE legend disagree in the all three land cover maps. Areas where all maps disagree or only two maps agree seem to be associated with mainly transitional ecozones with mixtures of the three main components trees, shrubs and grasses  such  as  tropical  savannas  including  the  Sahel, Mediterranean Europe, and tundra.</gco:CharacterString></mdq:statement>
<mri:specificUsage><gco:CharacterString>GLCC, GLC2000 and MODIS land cover products comparison</gco:CharacterString></mri:specificUsage>
<gco:CharacterString>None of legends  of  all  three  global  land  cover  products  are  easily translated  into  the  land  cover  classes  of  vegetation  models without introducing uncertainty due to poor definition of mixed
classes or a lack of information about leaf type and phenology.</gco:CharacterString>
<cit:CI_RoleCode codeList="" codeListValue="user"/>
<gco:CharacterString>Martin Jung</gco:CharacterString>
<guf:GUF_RatingCode codeListValue="5" codeList=""></guf:GUF_RatingCode>
<gco:CharacterString> GLCC is based on poorly or uncorrected raw data, using only monthly NDVI composites that also have some geometric problems. The VEGA data set of GLC2000 with daily composites of calibrated spectral bands and NDVI offers  significantly  improved  data  and  more  flexibility  for classification. A further advantage of the VEGA2000 is the effective  geometric  correction  procedures  (Bartholomé  &amp; Belward, 2005). The input data sets of the MODIS product supersede  GLCC  and  GLC2000  in  terms  of  the  spectral properties of the MODIS instrument, specifically designed for land surface mapping. Also, the MODIS data are based on higher  spatial  resolution  of the  raw data  (250m/500m) and comprehensive  strategies  of  data  correction  and  calibration. Regarding  the  applied  classification  methods,  MLCCA (MODIS land cover classification algorithm) clearly seems the most sophisticated algorithm. In contrast to GLCC and GLC2000, it is purely objective, reproducible and operational for the whole globe, thus seems most suitable for change  detection.  GLCC offers the most flexibility for users in terms of available reclassifications including the Olsen classification with 94 classes. MODIS is also available in different legends, which is not the case for GLC2000. LCCS of GLC2000 is the most advanced and flexible classification system with a clear rationale and standardized definition of the classes. Although GLC2000 benefits strongly from the use of LCCS and its regional bottom-up approach, its global map lacks some internal consistency associated with the individual mapping initiatives by different project participants.</gco:CharacterString>
<guf:resourceRef xlink:href="">
<mcc:MD_ScopeCode codeListValue="dataset" codeList=""/>
<guf:GUF_TargetRoleCode codeListValue="primary" codeList=""></guf:GUF_TargetRoleCode>
<guf:resourceRef xlink:href="">
<gco:CharacterString>Global Land Cover Characterization DataBase (GLCC)</gco:CharacterString>
<mcc:MD_ScopeCode codeListValue="dataset" codeList=""/>
<guf:GUF_TargetRoleCode codeListValue="primary" codeList=""></guf:GUF_TargetRoleCode>
<gco:CharacterString>The  MODIS  land  cover  product</gco:CharacterString>
<mcc:MD_ScopeCode codeListValue="dataset" codeList=""/>
<guf:GUF_TargetRoleCode codeListValue="primary" codeList=""></guf:GUF_TargetRoleCode>

Listing 6

Annex A
Conformance Class Abstract Test Suite (Normative)

A.1.  Introduction

A GUF XML implementation of this standard must satisfy the following system characteristics to be conformant with this specification.

A.2.  Conformance class: Quality Common

Conformance class A.1

SubjectConformance Class “Quality Common”
Requirements classRequirements class 1:
Conformance tests Abstract test A.2: /conf/quality-common/file-extension
Abstract test A.4: /conf/quality-common/iso-schema
Abstract test A.1: /conf/quality-common/mime-type
Abstract test A.5: /conf/quality-common/qcm-schema
Abstract test A.3: /conf/quality-common/xml-rules

A.2.1.  MIME type

Abstract test A.1

RequirementRequirement 1: /req/quality-common/mime-type
Test purpose

An XML encoding of a geospatial user feedback shall adopt the XML MIME type of application/xml


Validate the MIME type


Test passes if the encoded instances have the associated MIME type application/xml.

A.2.2.  File extension

Abstract test A.2

RequirementRequirement 2: /req/quality-common/file-extension
Test purpose

An XML encoding of a geospatial user feedback shall use the file extension ‘.xml’


Validate the file extension


Test passes if a file system is used and the encoded instances are files with ‘.xml’ file extension

A.2.3.  ISO XML rules

Abstract test A.3

RequirementRequirement 3: /req/quality-common/xml-rules
Test purpose

An XML encoding of a geospatial user feedback shall comply with the encoding rules specified in ISO-19139. Dependencies: ISO 19139


Validate the encoding rules followed


Test passes if the encoded instances follow ISO-19139 conformance classes.

A.2.4.  ISO XML schema

Abstract test A.4

RequirementRequirement 4: /req/quality-common/iso-schema
Indirect prerequisiteISO 19115-3 and ISO 19157-2
Test purpose

An XML encoding of a geospatial user feedback shall validate using the schemas ISO19115-3 and ISO19157-2 provided at: and respectively


Validate the XML against the right XML schema


Test passes if encoded instances validates under the ISO XML schemas for ISO19115-1 and ISO19157-1 that are provided by ISO19115-3 and ISO19157-2 respectively.

A.2.5.  Quality common XML schema

Abstract test A.5

RequirementRequirement 5: /req/quality-common/qcm-schema
Indirect prerequisiteRequirements class 1:
Test purpose

An XML encoding of a geospatial user feedback using QCM_Publication or QCM_DiscoveredIssue shall validate using the quality common schema qcm.xsd


Validate the XML against the right XML schema


Test passes if XML elements of the data type QCM_Publication and QCM_DiscoveredIssue conform to the and validate against the quality common schema with the XML namespace and encoded in the qcm.xsd

A.3.  Conformance class: User Feedback-item

Conformance class A.2

SubjectConformance Class “Feedback Item”
Requirements classRequirements class 2:
Conformance test Abstract test A.6: /conf/feedback-item/guf-schema

A.3.1.  Feedback item XML schema

Abstract test A.6

RequirementRequirement 6: /req/feedback-item/guf-schema
Indirect prerequisiteRequirements class 2:
Test purpose

An XML encoding of a geospatial user feedback item shall use GUF_FeedbackItem and shall validate using the geospatial user feedback item schema guf.xsd


Validate the XML against the right XML schema


Test passes if XML elements of the data type GUF_FeedbackItem conform to the and validate against the quality common schema with the XML namespace and encoded in the guf.xsd

A.4.  Conformance class: Feedback-summary

Conformance class A.3

SubjectConformance Class “Feedback Summary”
Requirements classRequirements class 3:
Conformance test Abstract test A.7: /conf/feedback-summary/ufs-schema

A.4.1.  Feedback summary XML schema

Abstract test A.7

RequirementRequirement 7: /req/feedback-summary/ufs-schema
Indirect prerequisiteRequirements class 3:
Test purpose

An XML Encoding of a geospatial user feedback summary shall use UFS_FeedbackSummary and shall validate using the geospatial user feedback summary schema ufs.xsd


Validate the XML against the right XML schema


Test passes if XML elements of the data type UFS_FeedbackSummary conform to the and validate against the quality common schema with the XML namespace and encoded in the ufs.xsd.

A.5.  Conformance class: Feedback-collection

Conformance class A.4

SubjectConformance Class “Feedback Collection”
Requirements classRequirements class 4:
Conformance test Conformance test A.4-1: /conf/feedback-collection/ufc-schema

A.5.1.  Feedback collection XML schema

Abstract test A.8

RequirementRequirement 8: /req/feedback-item/ufc-schema
Indirect prerequisiteRequirements class 4:
Test purpose

An XML Encoding of a geospatial user feedback collection shall use UFC_FeedbackCollection and shall validate using the geospatial user feedback collection schema ufc.xsd


Validate the XML against the right XML schema


Test passes if XML elements of the data type UFC_FeedbackCollection conform to the and validate against the quality common schema with the XML namespace and encoded in the ufc.xsd

Annex B
XML Schema Documents

In addition to this document, this standard includes several XML Schema Documents. These XML Schema Documents are available at

These XML Schema Documents and examples combine the XML schema fragments listed in various subclauses of this document, eliminating duplications. These XML Schema Documents match the GUF UML packages described in the OGC 15-097 Geospatial User Feedback Conceptual Model and were derived from them using ShapeChange application, and are named:


These XML Schema Documents use and build on the ISO 19115-3 and ISO 19157-2 XML Schema Documents specified by ISO and that are available at, named:


All these XML Schema Documents contain documentation of the meaning of each element and attribute, and this documentation shall be considered normative as specified in Subclause 11.6.3 of [1].

Annex C
Revision History

Table C.1 — Revision History

DateReleaseEditorPrimary clauses modifiedDescription
2023-06-070.1Alaitz ZabalaAllGUF XML implementation v.1.0 transcribed to metanorma
2023-11-240.2Alaitz ZabalaAllFirst version of GUF XML implementation 2.0
2024-05-230.3Alaitz Zabala & Oscar GonzálezallReviewed version to present to OGC GUF SWG
2024-11-270.4Carl ReedAlltext minor revisions