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Annex A - Abstract Test Suite for the Web Coverage Service (WCS) Processing Extension

Peter Baumann
Jacobs University Bremen
Revision History
Revision 0.1 2008-03-24
Revision 0.2 2008-04-29
Revision 1.0 2009-01-11
TBD: spec artifact#


This document is an abstract test suite (ATS): a compendium of test assertions applicable to all implementations of the WCS Processing Extension. An ATS provides a basis for developing an executable test suite (ETS) to verify that the implementation under test (IUT) conforms to all relevant functional specifications.

The abstract test cases (assertions) are organized into test groups that correspond to distinct conformance classes or sets of capabilities defined in the WCPS specification (see below for the version it applies to). The following mandatory test groups are defined:

  1. GetCapabilities - WCS-inherited request type
  2. DescribeCoverage - WCS-inherited request type
  3. ProcessCoverages - core WCPS request type

Source documents

What is tested

Test prerequisites

Test Data

Test data required are described by the sub-tests.


Table of Contents

  1. GetCapabilities
  2. DescribeCoverage
  3. ProcessCoverages

1. GetCapabilities


The GetCapabilities test group consists of the assertions that are defined on the GetCapabilities request type of the WCS specification.

2. DescribeCoverage


The DescribeCoverage test group consists of the assertions that are defined on the DescribeCoverage request type of the WCS specification.

3. ProcessCoverages


The ProcessCoverages test group consists of the assertions that validate the ProcessCoverages request type of the WCPS specification, using one of the protocol encodings specified in the WCS Processing Extension specification.

Table 5.. ProcessCoverages - exceptions
Test case identifier WCPS.ProcessCoverages-exceptions
Test purpose Exceptions must be thrown in the specified error conditions.
Test method Send ProcessCoverages requests as described below to provoke each of the specified exception types.
  • WCS specific exceptions:
    • Omit one mandatory parameter; required exception response: MissingParameterValue
    • Provide a syntactically invalid parameter; required exception response: InvalidParameterValue
    • Provide a semantically invalid parameter; required exception response: InvalidParameterValue
    • Provide a semantically invalid parameter; required exception response: InvalidParameterValue
    • Request an output CRS / format combination that is not supported; required exception response: UnsupportedCombination
    • Delimit service's disk space for storing output coverages, then request a coverage to be stored on server side which is larger than the remaining disk space; required exception response: NotEnoughStorage

    Note: exception code NoApplicableCode seemingly cannot be tested, as there is no indication provided on a situation that can provoke it.

  • WCPS specific exceptions:
    • Send a request which is syntactically invalid: SyntaxError
    • Send a request which is syntactically correct, but semantically invalid; required exception response: IllegalRequest
    • Send a valid request and generate, during evaluation of this request, a situation on server side which prevents it from successfully providing a result; required exception response: ProcessingError

Check whether the response is an exception in its appropriate encoding. Pass if all assertions hold; fail otherwise.

Test type Capability